
  • Tom and Jerry;The cat and the mouse;Tom & Jerry
  1. 《五福鼠》抄袭美国《猫和老鼠》;

    " Five mouse ," copy the United States ," Tom and Jerry ";

  2. 孩子们,《猫和老鼠》开始了,快过来。

    Kids , Tom and Jerry is on , come over here , quick .

  3. 现在,科学家们相信猫和老鼠一样,学会了接受人类。

    Now , scientists believe that cats followed the mice and learned to accept people .

  4. 虽然重播的《猫和老鼠》(TomandJerry)及好莱坞其他畅销动画片在国际上仍有市场,但美国卡通在大多数非英语市场的电视节目中都拿不到最好的成绩。

    While there is still a global audience for'Tom and Jerry'reruns and Hollywood blockbusters , American imports don 't top the TV ratings in most non-English-speaking markets .

  5. 曾经猫和老鼠是好朋友。

    Once the cat and the mouse were good friends .

  6. 我们是为和平而来让猫和老鼠和睦共处吧!

    We come in peace for cats and mice everywhere .

  7. 美国和伊拉克已上演了多次猫和老鼠的游戏。

    Many a time have America and Iraq played Tom & Jerry Kids Show .

  8. 我们在玩猫和老鼠。

    We 've been playing cat and mouse .

  9. 《猫和老鼠》动画片由美国米高梅电影公司发行,其中有7集在1943年到1953年间获得奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。

    Seven of the shorts , released by MGM , won Oscars from 1943-53 .

  10. 水牛也同意帮忙猫和老鼠过河。

    The water ox agreed to help the cat and the rat cross the river .

  11. 一些猫和老鼠以及大象,但主啊,我好着急。

    Some cats and rats and elephants , but Lord , I 'm so forlorn .

  12. 我有没有尝过猫和老鼠?

    Have I tried cats and mice ?

  13. 猫和老鼠是敌对的。

    Cats and mouses are often antagonistic .

  14. 猫和老鼠一样坏吗?

    Cats as bad as rats ?

  15. 除了《猫和老鼠》,华纳兄弟公司还在另一动画片上有动作。

    In addition to Tom and Jerry , Warner Bros. has movement on another property as well .

  16. 自1940年以来,这些一直是充斥于卡通片《猫和老鼠》的内容。

    Since the1940s , that has been the stuff of which Tom and Jerry cartoons are made .

  17. 当他第一次听见西方古典音乐时,他正在看电视播放的漫画《猫和老鼠》。

    He was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon on television when he first heard Western classical music .

  18. 华纳电影公司将在明年翻拍《猫和老鼠》与《史酷比》电影。

    Warner Bros. are set to remake " Tom and Jerry " and " Scooby Doo " next year .

  19. 他们把垃圾堆在走廊里,味道很难闻,还把猫和老鼠都招来了。

    They leave their garbage in the hallway which leaves an unpleasant smell and attracts cats , mice and rats .

  20. 猫和老鼠在玩终极游戏,香港六个彩开奖结果,结果被摄影师逮个正着,成就了现实版“汤姆和杰瑞”。

    This real life Tom and Jerry were caught playing the ultimate game of cat and mouse with each other .

  21. 《猫和老鼠》是一部长期播放的短篇动画剧集,由威廉·汉纳和约瑟夫·巴伯拉打造,始映于1940年。

    Tom and Jerry began as a series of long-running shorts in 1940 , created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera .

  22. 看完《猫和老鼠》之后,他可以立即在钢琴上弹奏动画片中的音乐。

    After he watched Tom and Jerry , he could immediately play the music from the cartoon by himself on the piano .

  23. 短信不回,深夜电话,“猫和老鼠”的游戏永远没有尽头……

    Hello , text messages with no reply , late night phone calls or the agonizing never-ending game of cat and mouse ...

  24. 这是一个小人物在险恶世界中的一次冒险,水坑,猫和老鼠都可以致它于死地。

    This is a little person 's dangerous adventure in a dangerous world a puddle , cat or mouse both could mean death .

  25. 动画片《猫和老鼠》中充满了不可思议的创造力和没完没了的恶作剧噱头,诙谐幽默,这就是汤姆和杰瑞之所以能吸引各个年龄段观众的原因。

    The shows are incredibly inventive and witty with an endless stream of gags , which is why they appeal to all ages .

  26. 马克:嗯,我正在找一个杰瑞鼠的毛绒玩偶,你知道的,《猫和老鼠》里面的。

    Mark : Well , I 'm on the lookout for a plush Jerry toy - you know , from Tom and Jerry .

  27. 债券巨头太平洋投资管理公司总裁穆罕默德·埃尔-埃利安称:“现在的游戏是一场猫和老鼠的游戏”。

    " The game now is one now of cat and mouse ," said Mohamed A.El-Erian , chief executive of the bond giant Pimco .

  28. 所以人们一致认为大象和狗是“天生的敌人”,正如狮子和老虎,或者猫和老鼠那样。

    This is why everybody agreed that elephants and dogs were'natural enemies ' , just like lions and tigers , or cats and mice .

  29. 在《猫和老鼠》电影拍摄方面,华纳公司计划在现实场景中拍摄动画版的角色。

    For that film , the plan is to shoot in the real world with animated versions of the familiar cat and mouse duo .

  30. 在一定程度上,你是在和他们玩一场永无尽头的游戏&猫和老鼠式地捉迷藏游戏。

    To a certain extent you play a never-ending game with them , cat and mouse , blind man 's buff , hide and seek .