
  1. 如果对蠢萌小动物的喜爱能转化成电力,那么全世界就能拥有一种可再生的清洁能源,所有的战争也将结束。

    If the adoration of cute baby animals could be converted into electricity , the world would finally have a clean source of renewable energy , and all war would end .

  2. 乔治的主人安德烈·帕克把它的很多照片上传到脸书和Instagram之后,网友们立刻被乔治的蠢萌站姿吸引,现在乔治的粉丝数量直线上升。

    When his owner Andrew Park posted a series of pictures on his George2Legs Facebook and Instagram accounts , commenters went crazy for the cute cat and now George has a growing fan base of thousands .

  3. 他表示,emoji表情符是一种能有效将口语转化为文字的人性化方式,发短信或推特的人用这些蠢萌的表情符号来表达语气。

    Emoji , he said , allow for an expressive , human way of translating the spoken word into text , with the goofy symbols providing a texter or tweeter with the means to convey tone .

  4. 更重要的是,小黄人孩童般的举止以及蠢萌的行事风格,形成了他们独有的幽默品牌,从而赢得了观众的心。

    More importantly , their childlike mannerisms and brazen stupidity is a brand of humor that wins hearts .

  5. 唯一能够弥补这种先天蠢萌特质的技能是,在练到20级时,它能进化成暴鲤龙,一个甩尾就能扫平一整座城市。

    Its singular redeeming feature is that at level 20 it evolves into a hulking dragon monster that can level cities by twerking .
