
  1. 本文阐述了中国现代作家叶紫的“小人物”创作与俄苏文学的关系,在三个方面作了进一步的探讨与研究。

    This article is devoted to the analysis of his kindness towards Russian culture and his spiritual and artistic characteristics c.

  2. 叶紫(1910&1939)在上个世纪30年代的左翼文坛上,是一位引人瞩目、具有苦难人生经历和鲜明精神个性的作家。

    Ye Zi ( 1912-1939 ) was an outstanding writer who had a miserable life experience and had a distinct spiritual character in the Left literacy circles .

  3. 时至今日,我们仍就可以通过剖析叶紫这位不凡的革命作家的代表作品,领会鲁迅先生关于文学是战斗的这一赞誉的深刻内涵与时代价值。

    All these works play a big part in literature field . Until today , by analyzing the representative works of Ye Zi , the outstanding revolutionary writer , we can grasp the deep intention and the era value of Mr. LuXun ' saying " Literature is fighting " .