
māo tóu yīnɡ
  • owl
猫头鹰 [māo tóu yīng]
  • [owl] 身体淡褐色,多黑斑,头部有角状的羽毛,头大,有两只向前看的大眼,短而弯曲的喙,强有力的钩爪,能翻转的外趾。又叫夜猫子

  1. 各种猫头鹰之间很容易弄混。

    The various types of owl are easily confusable with one another .

  2. 这只猫头鹰似乎不要这个窝了。

    The owl seems to have deserted its nest .

  3. 猫头鹰通常把猎物囫囵吞下。

    Owls usually swallow their prey whole .

  4. 一只猫头鹰在附近啼叫。

    An owl hooted nearby .

  5. 对于很多加利福尼亚的印第安人而言,猫头鹰是圣物。

    The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people .

  6. 外面的花园里突然有一只猫头鹰呜呜地叫起来。

    Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly .

  7. 她的新眼镜让她看上去像只猫头鹰。

    Her new glasses make her look like an owl .

  8. 猫头鹰白天躲在暗处。

    Owls stay in dark places during the day .

  9. 猫头鹰在叫。

    The owl was hooting .

  10. 当我到达时,我看到一只2到3周大的猫头鹰。

    When I arrived , I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl .

  11. 她在地上发现了一只小猫头鹰。

    She had found a young owl on the ground .

  12. 我给房主录下了猫头鹰雏鸟饥饿的尖叫声。

    I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks .

  13. 这些叫声会让成年猫头鹰得知雏鸟的存在;并且,它们会刺激我们的雏鸟也开始鸣叫。

    These advertise the presence of chicks to adults ; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well .

  14. 我把我做“猫头鹰蹲”的照片放到Facebook上,得了好多个“赞”呢!

    I posted myself owling on Facebook and got many likes from my friends !

  15. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。

    The so-called " breastaurants " take inspiration from Hooters , the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose .

  16. 猫头鹰说:“我想到东方去住。”

    The owl said : " I am moving to the east . "

  17. 猫头鹰捕食老鼠

    The owl preys on mice .

  18. 一听到有琼浆玉液,嘴巴里就开始流口水了,所以,他很高兴地接受了邀请,待他刚一飞上去,猫头鹰就从树洞中冲出来,扑过去抓住蚂蚱,吃掉了他。

    No sooner had he got inside the hollow where the owl was sitting than she pounced8 upon him and ate him up .

  19. 猫头鹰不断地请求蚂蚱考虑一下她的情况,可蚂蚱却仍然大声叫个不停。

    She begged him repeatedly to have some consideration for her comfort , but the grasshopper , if anything , only chirped6 the louder .

  20. 最后,猫头鹰再也受不了了,决定设计除掉蚂蚱。

    At last the owl could stand it no longer , but determined7 to rid herself of the pest by means of a trick .

  21. 猫头鹰觉得斑坞的话太气人,便惊奇地问:“你能未卜先知?”

    The owl felt rather angry at the words of the turtledove , but it still asked in surprise : " Can you forecast the future ? "

  22. 一天,猫头鹰一个劲儿地向东方飞去,飞得精疲力尽,停在树林里休息。

    One day , an owl1 flew persistently2 towards the east till it was completely exhausted3 , so it stopped in a forest to take a rest .

  23. 一只猫头鹰恰好抓到一只死老鼠,抬头看见从空中飞过的鹓鶵。

    An owl3 happened to have caught a mouse , and it lifted up its head and saw the Wan Zhou flying over its head in the sky .

  24. 一只斑鸿恰巧也在那里休息,听见猫头鹰呼味呼味地喘气,就对猫头鹰说:“你这样急急忙忙地赶路,去哪儿呀?”

    It happened that a turtledove was also resting there . Hearing the panting of the owl , it asked : " Where are you going in such a hurry ? "

  25. 为了保住自己的食物,猫头鹰冲着鹓鶵愤怒地叫道:“吓!离我远点,这东西没你的份。”

    In order to protect his food , the owl shouted angrily at the Wan Zhou , " Hei ! Go away , no way to share this with me . "

  26. 猫头鹰说:“西边的人,都说我叫的声音很难听,都讨厌我。在那儿我住不下去了,非换个地方不可!”

    The owl said : " The people in the west all say my cry is unpleasant and dislike me I cannot stay there any longer . I must move to a new place . "

  27. 猫头鹰夜间捕食小鸟。B门适应于夜景拍摄或其它需较长曝光时间景物的拍摄。

    Bulb photography is used for shooting night scenes , or other images with long exposure times .

  28. 大多数猫头鹰夜间猎食,并以小动物为食。n.瓶,壶

    Most owls hunt at night and live on small animals .

  29. owln.猫头鹰大多数猫头鹰夜间猎食,并以小动物为食。n.暂停;

    owl Most owls hunt at night and live on small animals .

  30. 18岁那年,科尔已经成熟到可以成为猫头鹰餐厅的服务员,她当时就读于北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)的工程技术专业。

    At 18 , Cole was old enough to become a Hooters waitress and was studying at the University of North Florida as an engineering major .