
  • 网络daughter sporocyst
  1. 日本血吸虫子胞蚴超微结构的研究:产孔的形态学证明

    Ultrastructure of birth pore in daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma japonicum

  2. 螺宿主对吸虫幼虫期的血细胞反应主要是在毛蚴入侵早期以及子胞蚴逸离母胞蚴的早期,表明螺宿主血细胞反应可能具有对幼虫发育期的特异性。

    We found that the larval parasites were surrounded by blood cells of the snails especially on early stages of mother sporocyst and daughter sporocyst but not for conspicuous encapsulation reaction , which suggest that the reaction may be stage specific to development of larval trematode .