
zǐ ɡōnɡ tǐ
  • Uterine body;uterus corpus
  1. MRI弥补了临床妇检预测淋巴结转移、肌层浸润、子宫体受侵的不足,具有较高的准确率。

    MRI makes up for the weakness of clinical physical examination , which has a high accuracy in determining pelvic lymph node metastasis , stroma invasion and uterus invasion . 3 .

  2. 结论:对于子宫体癌Ic~Ⅲ期患者,术后加用盆腔介入治疗,根据本组30例追踪1~6年结果,未见复发倾向,估计对临床及预后有治疗价值。

    Conclusion : According to 1 - 6 years ' follow - up for the 30 cases in the group , the adjuvant postoperative pelvic intervention therapy was estimated positive in prognosis for patients suspected or confirmed with pelvic metastases intraoperatively or postoperatively .

  3. 老年期和绝经后期子宫体恶性肿瘤患病率明显增高(P001)。

    Incidence of uterine malignant tumor was markedly higher in senium and postmenopause than that in perimenopause ( P0.1 ) .

  4. 结果:哺乳期妇女在产后42d内(产褥期)子宫体逐渐缩小可恢复至未孕状态;抗菌药物在妊娠及哺乳期妇女组织体液中的分布

    Result : The matrix of lactating women could gradually dwindle and be resumed on the 42nd day postpartum ; Tissue and Body Fluid Distribution of Antibacterial Agents in Pregnant and Lactating Women

  5. 常伴有子宫体的位置异常。

    Often is accompanied by uterus 's position to be unusual .

  6. 目的探讨腹腔镜下行子宫体三角形切除术治疗子宫良性疾病的可行性及价值。

    Objective To investigate the possibility and value of laparoscopic triangle hysterectomy .

  7. 人子宫体腺癌细胞系JEC&9的建立

    Establishment of the Cell Line JEC & 9 of a Human Endometrial Adenocarcinoma

  8. 子宫体癌术后行盆腔介入治疗30例临床探讨

    Postopertive interventional therapy for endometrial carcinoma in 30 cases

  9. 子宫体中心切除术的临床应用价值

    Clinical evaluation of removal of central uterine body

  10. 子宫体肌瘤保留子宫血管的阴式高位次全切除23例

    Use of artery-sparing high-site transvaginal subtotal hysterectomy in 23 cases of uterine body leiomyoma

  11. 由子宫体和子宫角组成,子宫有很多功能。

    Consisting of the uterine body and horns , the uterus serves several functions .

  12. 子宫体癌61例综合治疗临床分析

    The clinical analysis of synthetical treatment on 61 cases of the body of uterine carcinoma

  13. 子宫体混合性中胚层瘤

    Mesodermal mixed tumor of corpus uteri

  14. 子宫体和卵巢原发性双癌25例临床分析

    Simultaneous presentation of primary carcinoma involving uterine corpus and ovary : A clinical analysis of 25 cases

  15. 自然临产及缩宫素诱导临产子宫体部平滑肌差异基因表达谱分析

    Identification of the differentially expressed genes between the human corpuses myometrium from spontaneous labor and oxytocin induced-labor

  16. 子宫体三角形切除术的临床应用

    Clinical application of triangle hysterectomy

  17. 子宫体肌层囊性病变的超声诊断与病理对照分析

    Comparative study between ultrasonography diagnosis and pathology diagnosis on cystic lesions of muscular layer in corpus uteri

  18. 子宫体浸润率与病理类型、细胞分化、肿瘤形态有关。

    Invasion rate of uterine body was correlated with pathological type , cytologic grade , tumor morphology .

  19. 目的分析宫颈癌放疗后子宫体恶性肿瘤的临床特点。

    Objective To analysis the characteristics and clinical features of uterine neoplasms developed after radiation therapy for cervical carcinoma .

  20. 美国西班牙裔妇女子宫体癌分期、诊断和主要治疗模式的研究

    Cancer of the uterine corpus among Hispanic women living in the United States : Patterns of staging , diagnosis , and primary treatment

  21. 结论子宫体肌瘤保留血管的阴式高位次全子宫切除术安全可行、效果可靠、恢复快、并发症少,有很好的临床价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical value of artery-sparing high-site transvaginal subtotal hysterectomy ( TVSH ) for the treatment of uterine body leiomyoma .

  22. 子宫体浸润组淋巴结转移率是50.9%,而非浸润组淋巴结转移率为11.5%。

    The lymph nodal metastatic rate was 50 . 9 % in the group of invasion of uterine body , and 11 . 5 % in non-invasive group .

  23. 女性由于解剖及生理特点而产生一些女性特有的疾病,如子宫体炎、附件炎、子宫后倾、子宫脱垂、盆腔肿瘤等。

    FemaleBecause anatomize , arise a fewFemalePeculiar disease , be like uterine body phlogistic , accessory tumour of prolapse of tilting back ward of phlogistic , uterus , uterus , pelvic cavity .

  24. 其结果表明子宫体浸润组的预后明显差于非侵润组。预后不良的原因是高的淋巴结转移率。

    The results demonstrated that prognosis of group with invasion of uterine body was obviously poor than the non-invasive group and the cause of poor prognosis was the high lymph nodal metastatic rate .

  25. 子宫体恶性肿瘤共8例,以膀胱损伤为主者7例,占总发生率的53.85%(7/13),输尿管损伤和继发肾损害仅有1例,占总发生率的7.70%(1/13)。

    The bladder injury was the main injury in uterine body malignant tumor , it being 58.85 % of the total occurrence rate ( 7 / 13 ) . The ureter injury was only 2.68 % .

  26. 测量了全部病人与对照者子宫体前后、左右壁及基底顶部结合带最大厚度,并比较了两组间差异。

    The greatest thickness of the junctional zone in the anterior , posterior , right and left walls of the uterine corpus and at the top of the fundus in patient group and control group were measured and compared .

  27. 方法:1990年10月~1999年12月收治的Ⅰ期子宫体癌14例,均经术后病理证实,14例行子宫全切除+双侧附件切除,1例加盆腔淋巴结清扫。

    Methods : From Oct.1990 to Dec.1999 , 14 patients with stage I endometrial carcinoma were diagnosed by pathology . 14 cases were received total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo oophorectomy . One case were added pelvic lymph nodes dissection .

  28. 人子宫内膜在体培养的动物模型

    An animal model for studying human endometrium in vivo

  29. 人乳腺和子宫组织甾体激素受体的定量分析和物化性质鉴定

    Steroid receptors in human breast cancer and uterine specimens : quantitation and structural analysis

  30. 结果两者的二维声像图区别在于子宫肌瘤瘤体与肌壁有明显分界,子宫腺肌病则无;

    Results The difference in two-dimensional imaging : there is clear borderline between uterus myoma and uterus muscle .