
yuán hóu
  • apes and monkeys
猿猴 [yuán hóu]
  • [apes and monkeys] 猿和猴

  • 剽疾如猿猴。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

猿猴[yuán hóu]
  1. 他们看到一只猿猴在他们头顶的树枝上。

    They saw an ape in the branches above their heads .

  2. 而观察猿猴社会,比观察人类社会,还要困难得多。

    And ape societies are far more difficult to observe than human .

  3. 埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。

    Ada had a wrinkled , simian face .

  4. 人起源于猿猴。

    Men descended from apes .

  5. 猿猴花费大量时间互相梳理身上的皮毛。

    Monkeys and apes spend a great deal of time grooming one another 's fur .

  6. 脾气暴躁,呲睚必报的猿猴被激怒后,成群结队的朝山下扔石头。

    Having been enraged2 , the monkeys , who were irascible and vengeful , threw stones at the foot of the mountain in groups .

  7. 由于山高坡陡,人无法直接爬上去,为了获取宝石,当地人用弹弓不停的朝山顶上的猿猴射击。

    Since the mountains were high and steep . People could not climb up directly . In order to get the precious stones , the native people kept shooting at the monkeys , which were at the top of the mountains , with catapult .

  8. 但是这种疫苗能够有效地刺激短尾猿猴的免疫系统去识别HIV。

    But the vaccine has been effective in stimulating the macaques'immune systems to recognize HIV .

  9. 组织,总RNA,猴(猿猴)成体正常,肠升段。

    Tissue , Total RNA , Monkey ( Simian ) Adult Normal , Colon ascending .

  10. Kang说FDA将在短期内批准,并补充说这种疫苗在试验室中能够提高短尾猿猴的免疫力。

    Kang says FDA approval should follow shortly , and adds that the vaccine has boosted the defences of macaque monkeys in the lab.

  11. 猿猴空泡病毒40(SV40)T基因的克隆与表达及其多抗在转基因小鼠中的应用

    Cloning and Expression of SV40 T Gene in Escherichia Coli and Application of Its Polyclonal Antibody on Transgenic Mice

  12. 恶性间皮瘤可能与致瘤性猿猴病毒SV40无关猿猴病毒(SV40)在恶性间皮瘤组织中表达的意义

    Relationship between the malignant mesothelioma and simian virus 40 in China : a study of 17 cases Expression of simian virus-40 and its significance in malignant mesothelioma

  13. 电影中,CharltonHeston被种类繁多、济济为患的猿猴们俘虏,他戴着脚镣,近乎赤裸,并被看作是一个有趣的外物种标本。

    In that mock epic , the manacled , nearly naked Charlton Heston is rated an interesting specimen by a variety of simian overlords .

  14. 在她对短尾猿猴的研究中,Brinkman注意到灵长类(猴子)似乎在生活的第一年从它们的母亲那学习用手的偏好但是这只是一只手或是另外一只。

    In her studies of macaque monkeys , Brinkman has noticed that primates ( monkeys ) seem to learn a hand preference from their mother in the first year of life but this could be one hand or the other .

  15. 尽管穿金戴银,仍然是猿猴。

    An ape is an ape , though decked with gold .

  16. 正是知识,把我们和猿猴区分出来。

    Knowing , that 's what distinguishes us from the apes .

  17. 科学家相信人类是从猿猴进化而来的。

    Scientists believe that humans evolved from apes and monkeys .

  18. 如果人类是从猿猴进化而来,为什么还有猿猴?

    If people evolved from apes , why are there still apes ?

  19. 猿猴小帮手无法做到下列哪件事?

    What are the monkey helpers NOT able to do ?

  20. 猿猴被请来裁决他们的纠纷。

    An Ape undertook to adjudge the matter between them .

  21. 那只猿猴从一根树枝汤到另一根树枝上。

    The ape swung along from branch to branch .

  22. 这部电影讲述了超级聪明的猿猴是怎样通过科学来创造万物的。

    The movie tells about the creation of super intelligent apes through science .

  23. 他意识到有危险,又立即以猿猴一般的敏捷跳了回来。

    He sensed the danger and leaped back with the agility of an ape .

  24. 那是猩猩和其他大猿猴共有一个祖先的最后时间段。

    That is when orangutans and other great apes last had a common ancestor .

  25. 醉汉咒骂着、踉跄地走过,并且自言自语,象一些狰狞的猿猴。

    Drunkards had reeled by , cursing and chattering to themselves like monstrous apes .

  26. 它是除了猿猴和人类以外,少数没有尾巴的哺乳动物之一。

    It is one of the few tailless mammals besides the apes and man .

  27. 柏林动物园共有342只猿猴。

    The zoo has a total of342 apes .

  28. 猿猴和人类显然是同类。

    Monkeys are obvious cousins of man .

  29. 当达尔文得出结论说猿猴是人类的祖先时,舆论大哗。

    When Darwin concluded that men were descended from apes , all hell broke loose .

  30. 人类是从猿猴之类的动物发展而来的。

    Humans are descended from ape-like creatures .