
  • 网络Yulin Normal University
  1. 玉林师范学院开展定向运动的分析研究

    Analysis on Developing Targeted of Orienteering in Yulin Normal University

  2. 雅与俗:谈新时期高等教育教学导向的创新&以玉林师范学院广告学专业为个案

    Elegance and Vulgarity : New Era of Higher-Education Teaching innovation-oriented & A case study of Advertisement Specialty of Yulin Normal University

  3. 浅谈非计算机专业VISUALFOXPRO课程教学的改革&以玉林师范学院为例

    Talking about the Teaching Reform of the Course of Visual Foxpro for Non-computer Specialties in Yulin Normal College

  4. 方法采用身高标准体重法和Broca改良公式,对玉林师范学院2000年与2005年的学生进行营养状况评价。

    Method With the weight for height and Broca modified formula , the nutritional status of in Yulin normal university in 2000 to 2005 are assessed .

  5. 玉林师范学院是广西第一所地方新建本科院校。

    Yulin Teachers College is the first newly-established local undergraduate college in Guangxi .

  6. 新规则对学校排球运动的影响&兼析玉林师范学院排球联赛

    New Rules ' Influence on School Volleyball Games & Comments on Yulin Teachers ' College Volleyball Matches

  7. 地方高师音乐专业学生学习现状的调查研究&以玉林师范学院为例

    A Survey on the Study Status of Music Majors in the Yulin Normal University & A case study of Yulin Normal University

  8. 信息管理专业服务新农村网络信息建设的实践与认识&以玉林师范学院为例

    The Practice and Recognition on Major Information Management Serving Network Information Construction in New Socialist Countryside & Example for YuLin Normal University

  9. 以玉林师范学院非英语专业02级学生为对象,通过运用四级考试和问卷调查两种手段,分析了大学生的英语学习观念、学习策略和学习成绩之间的关系。

    Regarding students of non-English majors of grade 2002 in Yulin teachers ' college as the target , by using the latest result of Band Four and questionnaire , this investigation has analysed the correlations among college students ' English learning belief , learning strategy and school grade .

  10. 本文以“玉林师范学院教育在线”为背景,全面阐述了网络教学平台开发的意义、主要开发技术及其在推广网络教学平台的应用中要解决的几个关键问题。

    With the background of " The Education Online of YuLin normal University ", the paper expatiate in detail on the significance of the E-learning platform , the main exploitation technology and several sixty-four-dollar questions that demand to be solved in the popularize of the application of network teaching platform .