
  • 网络yuxi normal university
  1. 民族文化课程开发探究&以玉溪师范学院湄公河次区域民族民间文化传习馆为例

    A Study on the Curriculum Development of Ethnic Culture : a Case Study of the Heritage College of Ethnic Culture of GMS of Yuxi Normal University

  2. 选择DES和3DES算法作为数据传输或存储加密的办法,建立起了一个以校园网络为依托、与银行联网的复合校园卡安全保障体系,并在玉溪师范学院校园卡系统应用中取得成功。

    DES and 3DES Algorithms are successfully applied in the encrypting of both transmissions and storage of data over Yuxi Teachers ' College campus network for one - card pass services connected to the bank .

  3. 对玉溪师范学院化学双语教学的回顾和反思

    Reflections on the Bilingual Teaching of Chemistry in Chemistry and Environmental Science Department

  4. 区域大学科研为地方经济社会发展服务研究&以玉溪师范学院科研现状为例

    A Study on Regional University 's Research as a Support of Local Social-Economic Development : A Case Study of Yuxi Teachers ' College

  5. 地方院校以学生能力形成为核心的人才培养模式&以玉溪师范学院英语教育专业为例

    An Ability-Based Educational Mode for Regional Teachers ' Universities : As Shown in the Case of English Education Major in Yuxi Teachers ' College

  6. 区域大学需要什么样的科研理念&对玉溪师范学院科研为地方经济社会服务的思考

    The Basic Idea for Science Research at Regional Universities : Some Thoughts from Research Services to the Local Social Economy Offered by Yuxi Teachers ' College

  7. 使用翻译辅助工具的能力是翻译能力的延伸。然后,作者对玉溪师范学院英语专业三年级学生的翻译能力以及他们对现有翻译课程的感受进行了描述性研究。

    The knowledge related to the use of assistant tools such as dictionaries is an extension of translation competence . A descriptive study was then made on the translation competence of the third year English majors in Yuxi Teachers College and their feelings towards the translation course .