
  • 【地名】【中国】Yuxi County
  1. 两河在楚雄双柏、玉溪新平县界交汇,水量骤增,称嘎洒江、漠沙江。

    These two rivers join together in Chuxiong Shuangbai , Yuxi Xinping county where the water rising up quickly , we call them Gasa river and Mosha river .

  2. 玉溪市华宁县万亩桔园生态旅游开发的构想

    Ecotourism Development Concepts of Million Mu of Orange Garden in Huaning County of Yuxi City

  3. 本文在对分税制改革以来,玉溪市市管县财政管理体制下财政运行状况进行实证分析的基础上,研究玉溪市县级财政存在的困难,并提出解决问题的对策和建议。

    This article , by positive analysis of fiscal management of Yuxi under the City-Governing-County System since the implementation of the Tax Assignment System , studies the financial difficulty of its counties and correspondent advices and resolutions .