
  1. 如今的王兴伟,已不再是当年那个穿着手织毛裤的文艺青年。

    Wang Xingwei is no longer the artistic youth that was known for wearing hand-knitted woollen trousers .

  2. 王兴伟画作中的国内情景和个人幻想满足了这一要求,吸引了许多人。

    Domestic scenes and personal fantasies in Wang Xingwei 's paintings fed into such a fascination and were thus appealing to many .

  3. 王兴伟的潜意识里好像一直渴望在作品中体现一种经典而永恒的特质。

    It seems that the artist is forever driven subconsciously by a longing for a kind of classic and timeless quality in his work .

  4. 在陈列“室内”作品的展厅中,观众将得以通过内容相近的“老太太”系列作品近距离观看王兴伟绘画作品的演化和递进过程。

    The Indoor Views space will investigate the continuous evolution and progression of the artist 's Old Lady series , which consists of a number of very similar works .

  5. 2002年,王兴伟搬到南方城市上海,有意识地把自己放在一个完全不同的城市中,周围全是操着听不懂的方言的人,过着自己不熟悉的生活。

    In2002 , Wang Xingwei relocated to the southern city of Shanghai , deliberately placing himself into a completely different cityscape with an equally foreign dialect and life style unfamiliar to him .

  6. 王兴伟居住的地方远离各种艺术运动的中心区域(沿海河内陆的大城市),但他无法避免地也受到了这些运动的影响。

    While geographically removed from the epic centres of all these movements , which tended to erupt in major coastal and inland cities , Wang Xingwei wasn 't immune to their influences .