首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 在27日的晚上,当我们在旅馆外小心翼翼低头走过一层冰时,一头撞上了向导王方和。

    On the evening of the27th , we were picking our way across the ice outside our hotel when we bumpedsintosour guide , Wang Fanghe .

  2. 庞培,本名王方。一九六二年生,现居江苏江阴。一九九七年出版诗文集《低语》。

    Pang Pei , pseudonym for Wang Fang , born in1962 , now living in Jiangyin , Jiangsu province , published a book titled as Murmur in1997 .

  3. 中国外交学院教授王方说,各方都应充分利用现在缓和的局势重返会谈。

    Wang Fan , a professor at China Foreign Affairs University , said all parties should make the most of the current easing of tension and restart talks .

  4. 埃德苦苦想着答案。但是在这个圣诞节他找到了答案&王方和,一位61岁的苗族老人,他带着我们翻过山脊,在天黑之前到了剑河县。

    Ed struggles for an answer , but this Christmas Day he found it-Wang Fanghe , a61-year-old Miao gentleman who led us over the mountain ridge to Jianhe before dark .