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  • 网络My determination;My resolution
  1. 这消息加强了我的决心。

    The news confirmed my resolution .

  2. 刚脱掉衬衫,我的决心就开始动摇了。

    No sooner had I removed my shirt than my resolution began to wobble .

  3. LadyGaga保持真我的决心也体现在她对这部电影音乐的投入上。

    Lady Gaga 's determination to be her true self can also be seen in her devotion to the film 's music .

  4. 但是我的决心就像从前一样坚定。

    But my resolve is as strong as it has ever been .

  5. 除非还有一个首领反对我的决心。

    So unless there is another chieftain who will challenge my decision .

  6. 让身边的每个人,来检阅我的决心。

    Is that you coming to inspect my determination ?

  7. 此时想起我的决心和誓言,实在是有些惭愧。

    I remind my determination and oath at this time , I 'm guilt .

  8. 谈到这里,你壹定已经明白我的决心。

    So far as that isc oncerned , you must have understood my determination .

  9. 我的决心能保证每份工作均能以最有效率及令人满意的结果完成。

    My determination could ensure that each project would be competed satisfactorily and efficiently .

  10. 杰隆从此不再怀疑我的决心。

    Jerome never questioned my commitment again .

  11. 是的,这些都曾是我的决心。

    Yes , that was my plan .

  12. 痛苦加强我的决心!

    Suffering will strengthen my determination !

  13. 你不能动摇我的决心,正如你不能指望太阳从西方出来一样。

    You might as well expect the sun to rise in the west as hope to move me .

  14. 27岁的豪沙尔特是华盛顿联邦政府的一位分析人员。她说,录音没了,我的决心也随之达成了。

    The voice was gone and with it , resolution achieved , ' says Ms. Haushalter , 27 , an analyst for the federal government in Washington .

  15. 而TutiRiel则说:我的新年决心是能讲一口流利的英语和普通话,成为一个更优秀的人。

    And Tuti Riel says : My New Year 's resolution is to be able to speak English and Mandarin fluently , and be a better person .

  16. 最近事态的发展更增强了我离开的决心。

    This latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave .

  17. 我的新年决心是要有一个最棒的体质。

    My New Year 's resolution is to get in shape .

  18. 我的新年决心是尽力改善我的写作能力,争取把炖牛肉做得更美味。

    My resolution this year is to improve on my writing skills and make better beef stews .

  19. 2014年,我唯一的决心就是最终获得晋升,但看起来希望不大。

    My only resolution for 2014 is to finally get promoted , but it 's looking unlikely .

  20. 正如我的新年决心,我决定改变我的生活和健康。

    As my New Year 's Resolution , I made a decision to change my life and be healthy .

  21. 这是我坚定的决心,如果我找不到一个荫凉的住处和一个忏悔的伴侣,我将永远不会变成一个苦行者。

    It is my firm resolve that if I cannot find a shady shelter and a companion for my penance , I shall never turn ascetic .

  22. 我的新年决心之一就是宣传“亲密共处”这个理念。听起来有些耸人听闻,但事实上并非如此。

    One of my resolutions this New Year is to popularize the term " thick presence . " It sounds lurid , but it 's not .

  23. DionelPaguirigan喜欢玩视频游戏远古守卫,他说:我的新年决心是想在学习上花费更多时间。

    Dionel Paguirigan has fun playing the video game Defense of the Ancients , or DotA . Dionel says : My New Year 's resolution is I want to spend more time on my studying than playing DotA .

  24. JoseAntonioVelarde说:我的第一个决心是把英语讲得像我的西班牙语一样流利。

    Jose Antonio Velarde says : My first resolution is to speak English as fluently as my Spanish .

  25. 那就让我见识你的决心吧!

    Then let 's see if you 're up to fighting me !

  26. 我希望我们的决心能有所作为。

    I hope that our determination can make a difference .

  27. 这次会见坚定了我马上离去的决心。

    The meeting strengthened my resolve to leave immediately .

  28. 只要我有足够的决心成功,失败就永远无法击倒我。

    Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough .

  29. 我赞佩你的决心。

    I applaud you for your decision .

  30. 我所拥有的决心、力量、忠诚和对冒险的热爱就是我继承到的遗产。

    I have determination , strength , loyalty and a love of adventure . This is my inheritance .