
  • 网络my age
  1. 她居然探问我的年龄,真没礼貌!

    She had the impertinence to ask my age !

  2. 波看起来很好看,而且也适合我的年龄。

    The waves look beautiful and it fits my age too .

  3. 其它I'mtwice/doublehisage.我的年龄是他的两倍。我出了5倍于往常的价格买这枚邮票。

    I 've paid five times the usual price for the stamp .

  4. 有关我的年龄我撒了个谎,小汤姆说。

    I told a fib about my age , little Tom said .

  5. 当然,他们不准问我的年龄。

    They will of course not be allowed to ask my age .

  6. 我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。

    I am more than twice as old as he .

  7. 爷去世的时候,我的年龄还小。

    At the time that grandpa die , I was still young .

  8. 这种颜色似乎和我的年龄不相称。

    This colour does not seem to fall in with my age .

  9. 为什么我的年龄会有问题?

    Why should there be any question about my age ?

  10. 你认为我的年龄对我是不利的因素吗?

    Do you think my age will count against me ?

  11. 我的年龄是我女儿的五倍。

    I am five times as old as my daughter .

  12. 首先,她必须和我的年龄相近。

    First , she must be close to my age .

  13. 对于我的年龄,我觉得美国总统就像圣诞老人。

    For ages I thought Santa Claus was president of the United States .

  14. 托尼·亚当斯在阿森纳的时间甚至比我的年龄还要长;

    Tony Adams has been at Arsenal longer than I 've been alive ;

  15. 他说:像多啦A梦这样的童话故事或许已经不适合我的年龄了。

    I may have outgrown the fairytale-like stories of Doraemon , he said .

  16. 我的年龄已足够做乔的徒弟了。

    I was fully old enough now , to be apprenticed to Joe ;

  17. 现在是神所定的时间,我的年龄怎会对神造成困难?

    Now is God 's time and my age doesn 't with God .

  18. 佳缘上我的年龄是写错的,我30岁。

    Good edge on my age is wrong , I am30 years old .

  19. 我的年龄是那个房间中十几个工程师年龄的两倍。

    I was twice the age of the dozen engineers in the room .

  20. 也许你们想知道我的年龄。

    Maybe you want to know my age .

  21. 他问了问我的年龄、身高和体重,又打量了我一番。

    He asked my age , height , and weight and looked me over .

  22. 她使用的神经元排序技术.都和我的年龄一样老了

    using neurone-sequencing technology as old as I am

  23. 就我的年龄来说,我很健壮。

    I am very strong for my age .

  24. 根据我的年龄,我想还是深一点的吧。

    B : For my age . I think a darker one will be better .

  25. 在我的年龄,患风疹是件很意外的事。

    Catching German measles at my age was quite a turn up for the books .

  26. 没有,你介意我的年龄吗

    No. Does my age bother you ?

  27. 她猜对了我的年龄。

    She guessed M age correctly .

  28. 目前,由于我的年龄的增长,我意识到它深刻,可以说是一面镜子。

    Currently , I realize it profoundly , which may hold a mirror up to my increasing age .

  29. 至少,我的年龄透露出,我是在容易就业的年代参加工作的,并且我现在仍在工作。

    At the very least , that I joined the workforce in easier times and I 'm still here ..

  30. 即使你到了我的年龄,我也不认为你能理解这件事。

    I don 't think you 'll be able to understand that even when you are at my age .