
  1. 我没关系,我只是需要休息一下。

    I 'll be OK . I just need to rest .

  2. 现在五角大楼和机械军团都和我没关系了。

    Neither the Pentagon nor the machine Corps concern me now .

  3. 我没关系,我们可以放慢舞步。

    It don 't matter to me , we can dance slow .

  4. 木股的死和我没关系。

    The death of Hideo is none of my business .

  5. 你可以在办公室里等我没关系。

    It 's all right to wait for me in the office .

  6. 你是死是活跟我没关系了。

    I don 't care anymore whetheryou die or not .

  7. 你知道这事儿和我没关系的吧?

    You know I had nothing to do with that , right ?

  8. 尽管笑吧。我没关系。

    Just keep on laughing . that 's all right .

  9. 如果这样能让你高兴,我没关系。

    If it makes you happy , I 'm okay with it .

  10. 哦,等等,这跟我没关系

    Oh , wait . No , it 's not my problem .

  11. 噢,我没关系,反正我已经迟到了。

    Oh . I don 't need this . I 'm already late .

  12. 他的死和我没关系。

    I have nothing to do with his death .

  13. 你累或不累跟我没关系。

    It 's none of my business if you 're tired or not .

  14. 不,刚和我没关系。

    Oh no , that ... that was nothing to do with me .

  15. 把它给我没关系的

    Give it to me . It 's ok .

  16. 我没关系帮助,必要吗?(代词)

    I need to go right now .

  17. “不论你是否喜欢,都和我没关系。”

    " Whether you like me or not , it makes no difference to me . "

  18. “他一晚上没有我没关系的,”金斯莱说,“你更加重要。”

    " He can get along without me for one night ," said Kingsley ," You 're more important . "

  19. 加比:我没关系,她这样至少还能去上学,会很安全,又有家人陪伴。

    Gaby : I don 't mind . That way she can at least stay in school . She 'll be safe , be with family .

  20. 再给对方打电话时,回复就是“这事和我没关系,只是听别人说,别给我打电话了”。

    When calling to the other side again , reply even if " this thing and I am irrespective , just listen to others to say , did not call to me " .

  21. 你去或不去,对我都没关系。

    It doesn 't matter to me whether you go or not .

  22. 他恨透了我,没关系。

    He hates me now , and that 's just fine .

  23. 高贵女士在那儿,那对我没什么关系。

    There 's duchesses that 's got no more than me .

  24. 你袒护她,对我来说没关系。

    You vouch for her , that 's good enough for me .

  25. 我想没关系,还有那么多行业。

    I thought has not related , but also has that manyprofession .

  26. 也许你还不认识我,没关系。

    Maybe you do not know me , no matter .

  27. 不管你要什么,跟我没什么关系。

    Whatever you want makes no difference to me .

  28. 每个人都恨我?没关系。

    To find out that everyone hates me ? I don 't care .

  29. 你不相信我,没关系。

    You don 't believe me . okay , that 's all right .

  30. 因为这件事并和我没直接关系呀。

    That does not pertain directly to me .