
wǒ jiàn
  • my opinion
我见 [wǒ jiàn]
  • [my view] 我自己的看法

  • 没有丝毫我见

  1. 川东薄皮构造模式之我见

    My opinion of structural pattern of thin-skinned structure in East Sichuan

  2. 城市化之我见

    My Opinion on the Development of Urbanization

  3. 我见他在厨房擦地板呢。

    I found him in the kitchen , scrubbing the floor .

  4. 我见了几个朋友,直到夜里十一二点才回家。

    I met some friends and stayed out until eleven or twelve .

  5. 我见所有朋友都比以前少了。

    I see less of any of my friends than I used to .

  6. 我见他和朋友谈话。

    I saw him in conversation with a friend .

  7. 下半晌儿我见她来着。

    I saw her this afternoon .

  8. 让人气愤地是,我见着这些鬼魂的时候通常都是单独一个人的时候,我倒也不想告诉任何人这些事,我不想让他们觉得我是屈服于他们的压力了。

    Irritatingly enough , it was usually when I was alone , not that I wanted to share it with anyone . I wouldn 't want them to think I was buckling24 under the pressure .

  9. GDP和绿色GDP之我见

    My view on GDP and Green GDP

  10. 下推会计之我见txt计算报告文件的功能。

    On Push - down Accounting txt file automatically .

  11. 并且做到实时交互,达到你见即我见(WYSIWIS)的协同效果。

    And the participants can communicate with each other conveniently , reach to the effect of " what you see is what I see ( wysiwis )" .

  12. 工业甲酸含量分析之我见

    My Suggestion on Determination of Formic Acid Content for Industrial Use

  13. 关于国产高山竹类命名之我见

    On the nomenclature of the high - Alpine bamboos from China

  14. 高职院校建设特色校园文化之我见

    My Viewpoint of Construction of Characteristic Campus Culture in Vocational Colleges

  15. 新时期农业广播电视教育发展之我见

    On Developing Agricultural Radio and TV Education in the New Stage

  16. 关于中点法综合指数体系之我见

    My Opinion about " Mid-Point Method " of Composit Index System

  17. 入世后,山西煤炭营销战略之我见

    On My View on Shanxi Coal Marketing Strategies after WTO Entry

  18. 强化国有煤矿经营管理之我见

    Opinions on How to Strengthen National Mines ' Management and Administration

  19. 高校政治经济学教材结构之我见

    My Viewpoint of the Text System of Political Economy of Colleges

  20. 做好公路施工监理工作之我见

    My View of Well Doing Construction and Supervision Work of Highways

  21. 高校图书馆流通部小事之我见

    My Opinion about Trivialities in the Currency Department of College Library

  22. 社会哲学研究对象和方法之我见

    On the Object and Method of the Study of Social Philosophy

  23. 实现贵州矿业可持续发展之我见

    Proposal on Realization of Sustainable Development of Mineral Industry of Guizhou

  24. 综合性质检机构改革之我见

    My Opinion on the Reform of Synthetic Product Quality Inspection Organizations

  25. 正确行使继续盘问权之我见

    My Views On Proper Performance of the Right of Continued Question

  26. 语文课堂教学资源筛选之我见

    My Opinion on the Selection of the Chinese Classroom Teaching Resources

  27. 普通高校健美操队训练之我见

    My Opinion on Training of the Aerobics Dancing in Common Universities

  28. 遏制读者违章之我见

    My Opinions on Inhibiting the Readers from Breaking Rules and Regulations

  29. 塑造汉语言文字学学科新形象之我见

    Personal Views of Molding a New Image of the Chinese Philology

  30. 自我实现预言理论之我见

    A Personal Perspective of the Theory of Self - fulfilling Prophecy