
  • I am a cat;【电影】Wagahai wa neko de aru
  1. 你好!我是猫小姐。

    Hello ! I am Miss Cat .

  2. 《我是猫》与孔子的恕道思想

    This Is Me I 'm a Cat and the Doctrine by Confucius of Tolerance and Forgiveness

  3. 特殊的视角深刻的批判&从讽刺艺术角度解析《我是猫》

    Special Perspective and Profound Criticism & Analyzing I Am Cat from the Perspective of Sarcastic Irony ;

  4. 《我是猫》与《狂人日记》表现手法之比较

    A Comparison of Writing Technique between " I Am A Cat " and " Madman 's Diary "

  5. 我们不会放弃我们无私我们忠诚我们生来就是最棒的宠物我们是狗我是猫我是鹰

    We are not just giving up , we are dedicated , we are loyal , we are easily the greatest pets ever .

  6. 在忠实与创造之间寻求和谐&《我是猫》的译文比较分析

    Pursuing the Harmony between " Loyalty " and " Creativity " - Comparing the Two Translated Chinese Versions of the Novel I Am a Cat

  7. 他通过创作《我是猫》指出当时社会存在的各种问题,同时宣告了今后将对上述问题继续进行更深入的探究。

    By writing I am a Cat , he pointed out various problems existing in the society , in the meanwhile , indicating the further research of the problems .

  8. 在对作家研究的基础上,本文通过作品的创作背景、创作意图、是否受到外国作家的影响以及作品中的滑稽、讽刺等艺术风格对《我是猫》进行了深入研究。

    Based on the research towards the writer , this thesis analyzes I am a Cat from many aspects , such as creative background , creative intention , possibility of influencing by other foreign writers , satire and absurdity in the works .

  9. “谁打破了杯子?”我看是猫打破的。

    " Who broke that cup ?" I expect it was the cat .

  10. 谁把杯子打破了?――我猜想是猫。

    Who broke that cup ? & I expect it was the cat .

  11. 大哥我是只猫没人是完美的

    Dude , I 'm a cat . Well , nobody is perfect .

  12. 我妈妈是位猫须收藏家,我是她唯一的供应商。

    My mom is a cat whisker collector , I 'm her sole supplier .

  13. 亲爱的加菲:信不信由你,我是只丑猫!

    Dear Garfield : Believe it or not , I am an ugly kitten !

  14. 你好,我是一只猫。

    Hello , I 'm a cat .

  15. 我是战舰的猫舰长,我绝不会改变我的航道。

    I am a captain of a battleship , I am not changing my course !

  16. 让我吃惊的是这些猫是多么的活跃。

    What surprised me was how active the cats were .

  17. 很像,我是个王室的猫?

    Like , I 'm a royal cat ?

  18. 我是他心爱的猫。

    I 'm his favorite Kitty cat .

  19. 是的,我是知道,但猫可能不知道啊!

    But you 've already know that you are not a mouse , haven 't you ?

  20. 我是蓝莓灌木丛的国王,我是一只猫的国王!

    I 'm the king of a blueberry bush and a cat !

  21. 有一位获得三百位女子青睐的男士,专挑我同居,为什麽呢?我是唯一不养猫的人!

    A man who was loved by300 women singled me out to live with him . why ? I was the only one without a cat .