
  • 【中医】Wang Qingren
  1. 络病学说与王清任的治瘀名方

    The Theory of Collateral Diseases and The Prescriptions of WANG Qing-ren

  2. 王清任创新精神的社会学基础

    Social Foundation of Wang Qingren 's Innovative Spirits

  3. 王清任调气活血组方思想的内涵及临床运用

    Understanding on formula composing ideas of WANG Qing-ren about regulating qi and promoting blood circulation

  4. 王清任三逐瘀汤抗家兔心肌缺血损伤作用的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Effect of Wang Qing ren 's Three Stasis Expelling Decoctions to Rabbit Anti ischemia of Myocardium

  5. 王清任《医林改错》从解剖学角度对肝、气进行了研究。

    Wang Qing-ren studied the essence of liver and qi from anatomy angle in Corrections on the Errors of Medical Works .

  6. 从络病学说论治冠心病心绞痛络病学说与王清任的治瘀名方

    Treatment on Coronary Heart Disease and Angina Pectoris form Doctrine of Luo The Theory of Collateral Diseases and The Prescriptions of WANG Qing-ren

  7. 岭南医家活用王清任解毒活血汤治疗鼠疫

    Specialists in the South of the Five Ridges Exactly Using Wang Qingren ' Decoction of Detoxification and Promoting Blood Flow to Treat Bubonic Plague

  8. 王清任在医疗实践中,创立了气虚血瘀说和一系列活血化瘀处方。

    Wang Qingren founded the doctrine of qi deficiency and blood stasis and a series of prescriptions for promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis .

  9. 陈定泰早在1829年《医林改错》出版之前就接触到了王清任的脏腑学说,萌发了研究人体脏腑和经络实质的愿望。

    In1829 , Cheng Dingtai began his studying of the essence of the viscera and collaterals of Wang Qingren before the publish of Yi Lin Gai Cuo .

  10. 血府逐瘀汤是出自王清任所著《医林改错》,具有活血祛瘀的作用,临床上可以用来治疗瘀血阻滞所致的各种疾病。

    Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is used for various diseases due to blood stasis for its effect on activating blood circulation and removing stasis , which is from Yilin Gaicuo of Wang Qingren .

  11. 王清任批评传统中医理论、建立新理论的过程中显示的,对现代中医有启示意义。

    The set view of Wang Qingren in criticizing the theories of traditional Chinese Medicine and establishing new theories revealed in this process possesses the significance of revelation to the contemporary Chinese Medicine .

  12. 自清代著名医家王清任提出气虚致瘀的观点,并创立益气活血代表方补阳还五汤以来,益气活血法在脑出血中得到了广泛的临床应用且疗效肯定。

    Since the view of Qixu Xueyu proposed by a famous doctor of TCM , named Wang Qingren , who initiated the prescription of Buyang Huanwu Decoction , Yiqi Huoxue therapy has been widely used in clinic .