
rén ɡōnɡ hū xī
  • artificial respiration;artificial breathing;kiss of life
人工呼吸 [rén gōng hū xī]
  • [artificial respiration] 用手工或机械方法恢复或开始已停止的或从未开始过的呼吸,基本动作为推动空气进入和排出肺部,以建立吸气和呼气的节律

  1. 有人给她做了人工呼吸和心脏按压。

    She was given artificial respiration and cardiac massage .

  2. 恢复人工呼吸后平均(85.0±16.0)sEP恢复至初始值,并有7例出现过冲现象。

    After artificial respiration , it needed the average time of ( 85.0 ± 16.0 ) s to return original EP , and 7 cases got an overrun .

  3. 麦克马伦进行人工呼吸,其他旁观者则打了911。

    McMullen performed CPR while other bystanders called 911 .

  4. 虽然对朱莉娅施行了人工呼吸,但她没能苏醒过来。

    Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived .

  5. 对他进行了口对口的人工呼吸。

    He was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

  6. 因为有一种只用手做的CPR,即快速用力的按压胸腔,大概一分钟100次,不需要做人工呼吸。

    Because there 's hands-only CPR - pressing the chest fast and hard , about 100 times a minute , no mouth-to-mouth .

  7. 当EMS专人人员进行时,心肺复苏指人工呼吸和胸部按压联合以保持含氧血液循环直到有效心跳恢复。

    When delivered by EMS professionals , CPR is a combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions to keep oxygen-rich blood circulating until an effective heartbeat is restored .

  8. 在传统CPR模式下,一般用力按压胸部30次,然后停下来做两次人工呼吸,以迫使空气进入肺部。

    With traditional CPR , you push hard on the chest thirty times , then stop to give two breaths to force air into the lungs .

  9. 结论PP治疗能够迅速缓解GBS患者的临床症状,可显著缩短病程以及使用人工呼吸的间期,改善患者预后。

    Conclusions PP treatment could relief clinical symptoms of GBS patient rapidly , significantly , shorten the course of disease and the period of ventilatory support , and improve the prognosis of GBS patient .

  10. 目的比较不同年龄段重症肺炎患儿应用人工呼吸理疗和G5振动排痰仪的效果。

    Objective To compare the effects of artificial respiration therapy ( ART ) and G5 TherAssist treatment on children patients of various age groups with severe pneumonia .

  11. 新的方法是C-A-B,也就是按压、气道和人工呼吸。

    The new way is C-A-B & for compressions , airway , and breathing .

  12. 本实验用家兔51只,乌拉坦麻醉(0.5g/kg体重),切断双侧颈迷走神经,三碘季铵酚制动(4mg/kg体重),用人工呼吸维持通气。

    Experiments were carried out on 51 urethane-anesthetized ( 0.5g/kg i.v. ) , vagotomized and paralyzed rabbits ventilated artificially with a respiratory pump .

  13. 方法在氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉、断双侧颈迷走神经、肌松、人工呼吸的家兔上,观察了股动脉注射琥珀胆碱(Sch)诱发肌梭兴奋对延髓呼吸相关神经元自发放电的影响。

    Methods In urethane anesthetized , vagotomized , paralyzed , and artificially ventilated rabbits , the effects of muscle spindle afferents invoked by intraarterial injection Succinylcholine ( Sch ) on discharges of medullary respiratory neurons have been assessed .

  14. 在人工呼吸的家兔上.观察到牵拉颈动脉窦引起动脉血压,心率和延髓内的孤束核(NTS)及其邻近脑区单位放电发生变化。

    During stretch of carotid sinus , the changes of arterial blood pressure , heart rate , and unit discharge of nucleus tractus solitarii ( NTS ) and its neighbouring brain area in medulla oblongata were observed in rabbits under artificial respiration .

  15. 中华鲟和施氏鲟在高剂量MS-222的作用下,在进入生物学死亡阶段前,存在一个临床死亡阶段,这个阶段长达1h左右,在这个阶段,对它们进行人工呼吸是行之有效的。

    There was a phase of clinical death before biological death when the sturgeons were treated with high dosage of MS-222.The phase of clinical death could lasted for about 1 h , within which it was effective for the artificial respiration to save fish .

  16. 全部豚鼠在实验过程中采用全身麻醉,气管切开插管,使用肌肉松弛剂并实施人工呼吸,呼吸频率70次/分,潮气量1.5ml/次,同时监测全身平均血压,保持直肠温38℃。

    All guinea pigs were general anesthetized , trachea incised , and muscles relaxed . Artificial respiration was used , the respiratory rate was set at 70 breaths / min , with 1.5ml/breath of tidal volume .

  17. 结果SpO2降至99%和95%所需的时间在两组之间无明显差别。由于脉搏氧饱和度仪的反应迟滞时间,再建人工呼吸后小儿的SpO2在5~30秒内仍然继续下降,并达其最低值。

    Results There was no significant difference between the two groups in T_ 99 and T_ 95.After reinstitution of manual ventilation with 100 % oxygen , SpO_2 still continued to decrease to its lowest value after 5 to 30 seconds because of the lag time of pulse oximeter response .

  18. 基于呼吸机的人工呼吸系统力学建模与仿真

    Mechanics Modeling and Simulation of Artificial Respiration System Based on Ventilator

  19. 回到岸上,他给比特夫人做了人工呼吸。

    Back on land , he gave Mrs Beet mouth-to-mouth breathing .

  20. 他们进行了人工呼吸但是失败了。

    They tried artificial respiration but it was of no avail .

  21. 你想做什么?做人工呼吸?

    What are you going to do , give him mouth-to-mouth ?

  22. 快,继续人工呼吸,多姆,你倒是呼吸啊

    Come on , Dom ! I need you to breathe .

  23. 我还真不知道人工呼吸要用到舌头的

    I didn 't know there was so much tongue involved .

  24. 你会用人工呼吸的方法去救狗吗?

    Do you want to save the dog in the same way ?

  25. 他把河里的男孩拖上岸并对他做人工呼吸。

    He pulled the boy from the river and gave him mouth-to-mouth .

  26. 如果有人呼吸停止,进行口对口人工呼吸。

    If anyone has stopped breathing , give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation .

  27. 在运送伤员的时候他一连为肯顿做了20分钟的人工呼吸,

    He then performed CPR for 20 straight minutes during the ground transport

  28. 在两个半小时的时间里为他人工呼吸,直到肯顿接受应急手术。

    and maintained artificial respiration through two-and-a-half hours and through emergency surgery .

  29. 救护员使用了口对口人工呼吸法来挽救那孩子的生命。

    The lifeguard used mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to save the child 's life .

  30. 有人窒息时,为病人做人工呼吸直到他死掉。

    For asphyxiation : Apply artificial respiration until the patient is dead .