
  1. 福州创建生态城市中人工湿地技术的应用

    Apply Artificial Wetland Technology to Developing Fuzhou into an Ecological City

  2. 水平潜流人工湿地技术处理天津外环河污水

    Subsurface horizontal-flow constructed wetlands technology processing Tianjin outer ring river sewage

  3. 改良人工湿地技术处理小麦淀粉废水

    Application of Improved Constructed Wetland Technology to Wheat-amylum Waste Water Treatment

  4. 应用人工湿地技术处理城镇生活污水工艺设计研究

    Process Design of Constructed Wetlands for Domestic Wastewater Treatment in Small Town

  5. 水生蔬菜型人工湿地技术净化农村生活污水的试验研究

    Research on Purification of Rural Sewage in Aquatic Vegetable Wetland

  6. 人工湿地技术在我国北方地区的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Constructed Wetland Technology in China Northern Area

  7. 中原地区利用人工湿地技术处理污水的研究

    Study of using constructed wetlands technology for sewage treatment in central plains

  8. 人工湿地技术处理城市污水前景看好

    The prospect of the arti cial wetland processes the city sewage is optimistic

  9. 人工湿地技术在中国水处理领域的应用

    Application of Constructed Wetlands on Water Treatment in China

  10. 人工湿地技术处理小城镇污水的试验与研究

    Artificial Wetland Technology of Small Cities and Towns Sewage Treatment Trial Inspection and Research

  11. 水污染控制的人工湿地技术

    Constructed wetland technology of water pollution control

  12. 构造人工湿地技术及其应用

    Progresses in Research of Subsurface Constructed Wetland

  13. 人工湿地技术深度处理冷轧乳化液废水的可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis on the advanced treatment of the cold rolling emulsion wastewater by constructed wetland

  14. 利用循环水和人工湿地技术改建鳗鲡精养池试验

    Experiment of improving the intensive eel ponds by using recirculating water and constructed wetland treatment technology

  15. 人工湿地技术应用于辽河下游污水处理的可行性研究

    Feasibility study on constructed wetland system in treatment of sewage in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River

  16. 垂直流-潜流式人工湿地技术在北京流域污染治理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Vertical-subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment in the River Basin of Beijing

  17. 因此,在野外开展人工湿地技术研究,能够为人工湿地处理农业污水的应用提供重要参数和科学依据,在理论和生产上都具有重要意义。

    So , the study can afford important parameter and scientific basis for treatment agricultural effluent by artificial wetland in the open .

  18. 概要介绍了水生植物与其净化性能在人工湿地技术上的应用等方面的研究成果与工程实例情况。

    It is introduced briefly that the applications of adaptable aquatic plants and purifying properties to constructed wetlands , whose scientific payoffs and engineering examples are also described .

  19. 将人工湿地技术与生物接触氧化法相组合的生物净化槽应用于上海市中心城区黑臭河水净化。

    The biological purification tank combined of artificial wetland technique and the bio-contact oxidation method was applied for malodorous river water in central urban region of Shanghai City .

  20. 但由于工程设计理论繁多、不统一,而且碍于温度等条件的限制,人工湿地技术在北方寒冷地区的理论发展和应用的普及均受到制约。

    However , due to the different methods in engineering design and the influence of low temperature , its development and application were restricted in the northern cold region .

  21. 从目前农村生活污水污染特点出发,对人工湿地技术作详细阐述,并着重对人工湿地应用于农村生活污水处理的设计原则和工程实施步骤进行探讨。

    Through the analysis of characteristics of rural sewage pollution , this paper elaborates the technology of artificial wetland , and emphatic discusses the design principles and implementation procedures of sewage treatment .

  22. 人工湿地技术由于其低成本、运行简单等特点,已广泛地应用于处理城镇污水、富营养化水体;河道生态整治;工农业废水治理等方面[1]。

    Because of the low cost and simple operation , the constructed wetland technology has been widely used in treating municipal wastewater 、 eutrophic water body 、 river ecological regulation 、 industrial and agricultural wastewater , etc [ 1 ] .

  23. 人工湿地技术与传统水处理工艺相比具有管理简单、投资运行费用低、能耗小、能够脱氮除磷等优点,适合于小城镇生活污水的处理。

    Compared to traditional technology , constructed wetland technology needs low operating costs , low investments , low level of regulatory requirements , and can remove nitrogen and phosphorus , high treat efficiency , it is suitable for domestic sewage of small towns .

  24. 人工湿地除磷技术

    Constructed Wetland Phosphorus Removal Technology

  25. 文章论述了人工湿地处理技术处理重金属废水的机理和优点。

    The paper presents a review of the mechanisms and advantage of the constructed wetland for heavy metal treatment .

  26. 人工湿地处理技术以其运行费用低、维护管理简单、对周边环境影响小等优点而备受关注。

    Based on the advantages of low cost , simple operation and excellent efficiency , many researches focused on artificial wetland .

  27. 在城市污水集中处理高能耗、高建造维护费用所面临的严峻情况下,污水人工湿地处理技术越来越受到人们的青睐。

    Under the grim circumstances of high energy consumption , construction and maintenance costs in municipal sewage urban centralized treatment , the constructed wetlands sewage treatment technology was increasingly favored by people .

  28. 提出港口、高速公路生活污水和含油废水可采用人工湿地处理技术,建议处理系统的占地指标7.0-10.0m2/(m3.d)。

    According to the present research , the technology can be used in treatment of sewage from ports , expressway and oily wastewater . The land requisition index of the system is suggested between 7.0 ~ 10.0m2 / ( m3 . d ) .

  29. 厌氧&人工湿地组合工艺技术及其应用研究

    Study on Technology of Anaerobic-Constructed Wetlands Combined Process and Application

  30. 人工湿地污水处理技术在我国的发展研究

    Advances in the Research of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Technology in China