
  • 网络Red Sox;The Boston Red Sox
  1. 不久后,亨利买下了波士顿红袜队(BostonRedSox)。

    Later Henry bought the Boston Red Sox .

  2. 三年后,他开始为波士顿红袜队(theBostonRedSox)在职业联赛中打球。

    Three years later , he began playing for the Boston Red Sox in the major leagues .

  3. 我每年都会带着孩子们参观波士顿红袜队(RedSox)的春季训练营,这个周末,我又带着两个儿子去了佛罗里达州的麦尔斯堡。

    I spent this weekend with my two sons in Ft. Myers , Florida as part of our annual pilgrimage to the Red Sox spring training camp .

  4. 还有可能是因为夏日炎炎让人打不起精神,威廉•夏纳(WilliamShatner)重新出演在线旅游服务公司Priceline广告中的“谈判家”,或波士顿红袜队(RedSox)和阿森纳(Arsenal)遇到了困难。

    Maybe it was the languid summer , William Shatner 's return as Priceline 's ' negotiator ' or the struggles of the Red Sox and Arsenal .

  5. 整个联赛的上座率都出现下滑,但在2013年,因为21世纪初期曾随波士顿红袜队(BostonRedSox)打出职业生涯最好成绩的外野手曼尼•拉米雷斯(MannyRamirez)来台湾打球,上座率又出现回升。

    Attendance leaguewide fell , but it perked up in 2013 , when Manny Ramirez , the outfielder who had his best years with the Boston Red Sox in the early 2000s , played in Taiwan .

  6. 当波士顿红袜队再次赢得世界冠军,

    So when the Boston Red Sox won the World Series after ,

  7. 波士顿红袜队对你有兴趣,吉米。

    The Boston Red Sox are interested , jim .

  8. 波士顿红袜队赢了。

    The Red Sox took two .

  9. 波士顿红袜队大胜科罗拉多洛矶队,赢得2007年美国职棒世界大赛冠军。

    The Boston Red Sox baseball team sweep the Colorado Rockies to win the 2007 World Series .

  10. 波士顿红袜队的两名成员为慈善剃掉了他们的“世界系列胡须”。

    And two members of the Boston Red Sox have shaved their World Series beards for charity .

  11. 波士顿红袜队以29比2大败圣路易斯褐衫队的那场比赛。

    The game in which the Boston Red Sox trounced the St Louis Browns by the score of29-2 .

  12. 他在该年第一轮的职业棒球选秀会中被波士顿红袜队挑走,进入棒球生涯的新阶段。

    His next step was joining the Boston Red Sox as a first-round pick in that year 's draft .

  13. 波士顿红袜队的球衣点缀着墙壁,他身后的背景则是一座容量达210加仑的鱼缸,那是高德威的前任留给他的。

    Boston Red Sox jerseys adorn the walls , and a 210-gallon fish tank he inherited gurgles in the background .

  14. 无论是在芬威球场或是外面的一家娱乐酒吧,波士顿红袜队的球迷们对那些赛前介绍热烈自豪地欢呼。

    Both inside Fenway park and a disport bar outside of it , Boston Red Sox fans cheered passionately and proudly for those introduced before the game .

  15. 周三,波士顿红袜队将在主场和圣路易红雀队对战。他们希望能在这第6场比赛中获胜,夺得世界大赛的冠军。

    And the Red Sox are hoping for a win at home when they battle the St.Louis Cardinals in Wednesday 's Game 6 for the World Series title .

  16. 以这种等级表现,波士顿红袜队该好好休息一下了。这是他们防止让纽约洋基队赶上的唯一办法。

    At this rate , the Boston Red Sox will gladly take a day off . that 's about the only way they can prevent the New York Yankees from creeping any closer .

  17. 随后,她们被告知从军人家属中被选中,将在纯品康纳室内球场举行的坦帕湾光芒队对波士顿红袜队比赛中掷出比赛的第一个球。

    They were then told they had been chosen from a group of military families to throw the ceremonial first pitch at the Tampa Bay Rays vs. Boston Red Socks game at Tropicana Fieldon Thursday night .

  18. 据报导波士顿红袜队拥有和日本的王牌松坂大辅交涉权,在不同的几个媒体报导中,他们竞标的金额在4200万美金到5000万美金之间。

    The Boston Red Sox have reportedly landed the rights to Japanese ace Daisuke Matsuzaka with a bid that has been reported in various media outlets at anywhere from $ 42 million to in excess of $ 50 million .

  19. 收购者名叫约翰亨利,他同时还是波士顿红袜棒球队和利物浦足球俱乐部的主要拥有者。

    The buyer is John W Henry , the main owner of the Boston Red Sox baseball team and Liverpool Football Club .

  20. 这家律师事务所每年为波士顿的员工提供红袜队(RedSox)棒球比赛的两个包厢座位,包括季后赛和总决赛。

    The law firm offers its Boston-based employees two box seats to a Red Sox game annually , including playoffs and championships .