
  • Wang Lei;Ray WANG;Lei Wang;XiGua
  1. 王磊声音和思想都不能在真空里传播。

    Neither sound nor thoughts can travel through a vacuum .

  2. 我想不通为什么王磊要和我分手?

    I don 't understand why Wang Lei broke up with me ?

  3. 在我班里有两个王磊。

    There are two Wang Leis in our class .

  4. 王磊的英语成绩取得了进步。

    Wang Lei 's English mark has made progress .

  5. 大家好,我叫王磊,我是一个体育爱好者。

    Hello , my name is Wang Lei , I is a sports enthusiast .

  6. 王磊是幸运的,因为他还可以住在这个城市的公寓里。

    Wang is fortunate that he can live in an apartment in the city .

  7. 王磊考试又不及格了。

    Wang Lei failed the math exam again .

  8. 亲爱的王磊:感谢你们在我先生去世的时候送来的吊唁。

    Dear Wang Lei , Thank all of you for your condolence for my husband .

  9. 她是你姨妈吗?不,她是王磊的姐姐。

    Is she your aunt ? No , she isn ' t.She is Wang Lei 's sister .

  10. 亲爱的王磊:谢谢你及清华大学所有关心我们的人。

    Dear Wang Lei , Thank you and all the people who care about us in the Tsinghua University .

  11. 22岁的王磊(音译)毕业于北京中医药大学,他现在是一名药品销售人员。

    Wang Lei , 22 , a graduate from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine , is now a medical salesman .

  12. 资深音乐制作人、乐论人王磊提醒道,电视选秀蕴含风险。

    Wang Lei , a veteran music producer and critic , warns of the risks entailed in TV music talent shows .

  13. 然后在王磊教授工作的基础上再次采用康托洛维奇能量近似法结合广义梁函数,导得板振动的一个常微分方程及边界条件。

    By the Kantorovich approximation method with generalized beam functions , an ordinary differential equation and the boundary conditions for plate vibrations are derived .

  14. 在中国社交媒体上,有人晒出了这样一张照片,周甜走过几乎空空荡荡的婚礼大厅,新郎王磊在舞台上等待新娘的到来。

    A picture has emerged on Chinese media showing Zhou walking down a nearly empty hall as her groom waited for her on the stage .

  15. 尽管只有很少的宾客在这里见证了周甜和王磊的婚礼,但是成千上万的人知晓这个故事之后,在网上向这对新人送出了祝福。

    Although only few guests were there to witness Zhou and Wang 's wedding , thousands of people have sent their wishes to the newlyweds online after reading about their story .

  16. 中国银行个人银行业务部总经理王磊说,因为随着大客户对于资产管理的重视,这项业务的发展空间是很大的。

    Wang Lei , general manager of BOC 's private banking division , said the service had huge room to grow as an increasing amount of rich customers are starting to think about financial assets management .

  17. 21岁的王磊(音)是北京信息科技大学的学生,他们学校提交毕业学位论文的截止日期在五月下旬。虽然很早就完成了论文,但是他仍然很紧张,因为论文还需要通过相似性检测。

    Wang Lei has already finished his dissertation weeks before the deadline in late May , but the 21-year-old student at Beijing Information Science and Technology University feels no relief as his thesis still needs to pass the plagiarism test .

  18. 无论是什么形式的选秀节目,它们不过是一天下来的尽兴节目,王磊在接受《北京日报》采访时表示,电视台对于艺人签约与宣传的垄断阻碍了乐坛的发展。

    No matter what form they take , talent shows are just shows at the end of the day , Wang told Beijing Daily recently . The monopoly of TV stations in signing and marketing artists is suffocating the industry .

  19. 由于受到洪灾的影响,大多数宾客都不能出席他们在中国中部河南新乡举办的婚礼,但是新娘周甜对新郎王磊说,有他在的地方就是天堂。

    Most of the couples ' guests failed to attend their nuptials in Xinxiang , central China , due to flooding , but Zhou Tian said to her groom Wang Lei she was happy as long as she had him .