
  1. 王艮与王阳明良知思想对比

    A contrast between Wang Gen and Wang Yangming on philosophy of decency

  2. 王艮为阳明心学传播中的重要人物。

    Wang Gen is an important figure in the spread of Wang Yang-ming scholarship about heart .

  3. 王艮认为教育可以改变人,进而可以治理国家,因此教育是经天地的伟业。

    In his view , education can change people and then the country , therefore , education is a significant undertaking .

  4. 以王艮为首的泰州学派在晚明启蒙思潮中起了先锋的作用。

    Taizhou School of Thought , headed by Wang Gen , was the pioneer of the Enlightenment Movement during late Ming Dynasty .

  5. 王艮开创的泰州学派,受众广泛并成就卓著的是平民启蒙运动。

    One reason that made the Taizhou School , initiated by Wang Gen , widely accepted was its great achievements in the civic enlightenment .

  6. 王艮出身盐丁,因家贫只受了四年的童蒙教育。

    Wang Gen was born in a family which sold the salt . He had only four years school education in his childhood because of his poor family .

  7. 泰州学派创始人王艮将乐与修养、天命、日常生活态度联系起来进行论述,较为全面地阐述了自己对乐的理解和体认,由此可见其修养方法、生活态度、道德境界以及泰州学派的个性特征。

    Wang Geng , founder of the Taizhou School , linking Happiness together with accomplishment , fortune and life attitude , fully expounds his appreciation of Happiness , from which we can see his self-cultivation , life attitude , moral character and the peculiar features of the Taizhou School .