
  • 网络environmentalism;environmentalists
  1. “垃圾时尚”其实是环保主义和革新论的综合体现。

    Trashion is a philosophy and an ethic encompassing environmentalism and innovation .

  2. 乐购还通过把自己表现得健康和绿色来回应环保主义。

    Tesco isalso reacting to environmentalism by presenting itself as both healthy andgreen .

  3. 环保主义者称这个条约存在根本性的缺陷。

    Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed .

  4. 环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。

    Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells .

  5. 环保主义者认为这些是政府利用国民情绪来减少保护措施的举措。

    Environmentalists regard these moves as the government taking advantage of the national mood to roll back protective measures

  6. 以白炽灯泡为例,它是目前许多环保主义者和节能倡导者所痛恨的对象。

    Consider the incandescent bulb , an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates .

  7. 尽管规划的工厂将位于40多英里之外,通过管道抽取纯碱,但环保主义者担心它仍会破坏天然的水循环和繁殖地。

    Although the planned operation will be located more than 40 miles away , drawing the soda ash in through pipelines , conservationists worry it could still upset the natural water cycle and breeding grounds .

  8. 这些话并不是像你想象的那样出自一个典型地想着拯救世界的激进环保主义者之口,而是来自戈登·布朗,一个以严厉、细心,特别是谨慎著称的政客。

    That statement comes not , as you might imagine , from a stereotypical tree-hugging , save-the-world greenie , but from Gordon Brown , a politician with a reputation for rigor , thoroughness and above all , caution .

  9. 环保主义者并不反对这些观点。

    Environmentalists don 't dispute these points .

  10. 环保主义团体LeagueofConservationVoters一直在开展攻击罗姆尼的活动。

    The League of Conservation Voters , an environmental group , has been running campaigns attacking Mr Romney .

  11. 近几十年来,环保主义者、作家约翰?弗朗西斯(JohnFrancis)可谓真正的英雄般的行者。

    From recent decades , the environmentalist and writer John Francis has been one of the truly epic walkers .

  12. 环保主义者会用不同策略引起公众对环境的关注:有些人组织集会,有些人发起请愿,然而LewisGordonPugh却另辟蹊径。

    Environmentalists use different tactics to raise public awareness . Some organize rallies , others set up petitions , and then there is Lewis Gordon Pugh .

  13. “当初我产品开始进入沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)销售时,许多极端环保主义者感到失望之极,”石原农场(StonyfieldFarm)首席执行官加里Ÿ赫西伯格说。

    " A lot of eco-fascists in my world were very upset when I started selling to Wal-Mart , " says Gary Hirshberg , CEO of Stonyfield farms .

  14. 环保主义者和反全球化人士虽属例外,但伊拉克也并非他们关注的中心,因为伊拉克的环境灾难要排在所有其它灾难的后面,而且巴格达也没有星巴克(starbucks)的橱窗可砸。

    Greens and anti-globalisers are the exception , but Iraq is not central to their concerns , since its environmental catastrophe must get in line behind all the others and Baghdad has no Starbucks windows to smash .

  15. 根据Caruso的研究,你也许可以考虑的职业角色当中就有:企业家、律师、环保主义者和作家。

    According to Caruso 's research , among the possible personal and professional roles you might consider are entrepreneur , lawyer , environmentalist and writer .

  16. 加州奥克兰26岁的医务管理员派瑞曼(SamPerryman)是环保主义素食者,但去年却为一只传统血系火鸡破了例。

    Sam Perryman , a26-year-old health-care administrator in Oakland , Calif. , is a vegetarian for environmental reasons , but last year made an exception for a heritage turkey .

  17. Asymco的多位读者也提出了自己的比喻:苹果就像一位环保主义者,试图保持水质清洁。

    Several asymco readers have tried to answer that with their own analogies : apple is like an environmentalist , trying to keep the water clean .

  18. 2014年中国报告煤炭产量下降,曾让绿色和平(Greenpeace)等许多环保主义者感到振奋,令人期待中国的排放量或许能够早于官方提出的目标——2030年之前见顶回落。

    A reported drop in China 's coal output in 2014 has cheered environmentalists , including Greenpeace , and raised hopes that the country 's emissions might peak and begin to decline before the official target of 2030 .

  19. 一群环保主义者被发现在故意破坏伐木设施。

    A group of environmentalists were caught damaging the logging equipment .

  20. 我以前还真不知道你是个环保主义者。

    I had no idea you were such as environmentalist before !

  21. 其中之一是环保主义运动对于过度消费的反对。

    One is the environmentalist movement 's objection to excessive consumption .

  22. 但是环保主义者却没有看到那种紧迫感。

    But environmentalists see few signs of that sense of urgency .

  23. 我自认为是一个环保主义者。

    I like to think that I am an environmentally conscience person .

  24. 她的艺术也透露出她对环保主义的兴趣。

    Her art also expresses her interest in environmental activism .

  25. 许多国家的环保主义者与政策制定者都感到气馁和沮丧。

    Environmentalists and policy makers in many countries are dismayed and discouraged .

  26. 作为环保主义者我崇尚少浪费

    As an environmentalist , I 'm a fan ofwasting less

  27. 在欧洲,环保主义者通常为小型政党。

    The greens are usually small political parties in Europe .

  28. 那意味着环保主义者不会再来烦我们。

    Meaning the environmental folks won 't be breathing down our necks .

  29. 但如果环保主义者的美梦成真了呢?

    But what if the environmentalists ' dream came true ?

  30. 我妻子是一位热情的环保主义者,但没有那么热情。

    My wife is a keen environmentalist , but not that keen .