
  • 网络environmental decision-making;environmental policy-making;Environmental decisionmaking
  1. 环境决策的成败很大程度上取决于公众是认可还是抵触的态度。

    The success or failure of environmental decision-making depends largely on the public attitudes to accept or reject .

  2. 环境决策的失误,可能经非线性因素的干扰而在不远的将来带来毁灭性的灾难。有鉴于此,在一切环境问题的失误中,环境决策的失误被认为是最大的失误。

    The misplays of environmental decision-making are likely to cause destructive disasters in the near future through the non-linear effect .

  3. 纽约哥伦比亚大学环境决策研究中心的埃尔克·韦伯教授说:"我们最担心现在,因为如果我们不能活过下一分钟,十年后我们就不会存在了。"

    " We worry most about now because if we don 't survive for the next minute , we 're not going to be around in ten years ' time , " says Professor Elke Weber of the Centre for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University in New York .

  4. 基于Agent的城市河流水环境决策支持系统研究

    Research on intellectual DSS of water environment of urban river based on Agent

  5. 层次分析法AHP在油库环境决策系统中的应用

    Application of AHP Method in the Determination System of Oil Tank Farm Environment

  6. 加强GIS支持下的环境决策支持系统(DSS)的设计开发工作已经成为当前环境规划与管理领域的一项重要的任务。

    It has been an important task of present environment planning and management to strengthen the design and development of environment strategy supporting system ( DSS ) supported by GIS .

  7. 文章基于区间数来表达模糊判断,讨论了不确定型AHP法的有关理论,并给出了其在改善交通环境决策中的应用。

    By basing fuzzy judgement on interval number , this paper discusses the theory on uncertain AHP and advances proposals for applying it in decision-making for improving the traffic environment .

  8. 环境决策支持系统中两类模型方法的整合

    Integration of Two Modeling Approaches in Environmental Decision Support Systems

  9. 海水养殖环境决策支持系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Environment Decision-Making Support System for Seawater Breed Aquatics

  10. 本溪市环境决策问题及决策支持系统初探

    The Discussion on the Environmental Decision Problem and Decision Sustaining System in Benxi

  11. 基于极小熵的投资环境决策&河南省投资环境实证分析

    Decision Marking for Investment Environment Based on Minimum Entropy

  12. 面向产品全生命周期评价环境决策模型研究

    Research on environmental decision model oriented life cycle assessment

  13. 区域环境决策的协调支持模式

    The Coordination Support Mode of Regional Environment Decision

  14. 多目标系统模糊优选模型在铁路选线方案环境决策中的应用

    Application of Multiobjective Fuzzy Optimal Selection Model to Environmental Decision Making of Railway Route Selection

  15. 信息技术支持下的环境决策支持系统开发研究

    A developing research of environmental decision making support system under the support of information techniques

  16. 公众参与环境决策的理论和实践在我国还是一个新事物。

    The theory and practice that the public participates in environmental policy making are new things in China .

  17. 本文深入探讨了在我国公众参与环境决策的理论依据、法律依据以及现实依据;

    The paper discussed the theoretical basis , legal basis and realistic basis of public participation in environmental policy making .

  18. 规划环评的环境决策必须针对规划和环境规划潜在的环境纠纷开展。

    The environmental decision-making in plan environmental assessment must pay more attention to the potential environmental conflicts between planning and environmental planning .

  19. 数字林业提供的实时数据会为国家的生态预警和环境决策提供重要技术支撑。

    Real-time data , which was provided by digital forestry , will provide important technology support for alarming national ecology and decision-making of environment .

  20. 另外,针对科学性要求很高的环境决策,荷兰环境法详细规定了有关环境决策的顾问制度。

    In addition , the Netherlands ' environmental law stipulated some advisory systems regarding environmental decision-making , which often involves scientific and technical issues .

  21. 我们将会讨论作为市民管理团体基础的合作方法,及这些团体在可持续发展和环境决策中所扮演的角色。

    We will discuss collaborative approaches as a foundation for citizen stewardship groups and the role these groups play in sustainable development and environmental policy-making .

  22. 中国公众的科学素养水平较低,而环境决策的专业性较强。

    Thirdly , the scientific literacy level of the Chinese public is still low while the environmental decision making process involves many science and technology concerns .

  23. 投资决策的方法根据决策的内容可划分为财务决策方法、环境决策方法、随机风险决策方法和组合投资决策方法等;

    The investment decision methods can be divided into financial decision method environmental decision method , random risk decision method and investment combination decision method , etc. ;

  24. 当一方看起来与另一方说的是同一件事,你能否提出一个在环境决策中运用科学的替代性理性模型?

    Given that each side seems to say the same thing about the other , can you come up with an alternative to the rational model of science in environmental policymaking ?

  25. 介绍了环境决策的一般特点和目的,并结合本溪市环境概况,对本溪市的环境决策问题及支持系统的建立进行了探讨。

    Abstract The ganeral properties and targets of environment decision are introduced in the paper . And it 's discussed the problem of environment decision conbined with environmental state in Benxi .

  26. 水环境决策支持系统是水环境管理信息化的重要工具,是辅助水环境规划、管理与决策的有效途径。

    Decision Support System for Water Environment Management is an important tool for Water Environment Information Management and an efficient path to give assistance to water environment planning , management and decision .

  27. 最后用生态现代化的观点和方法构想中国当前的环境决策方法,以促进经济和环境的协调发展。

    Finally , based on present situation of China , the paper tries to conceive methods of current decision ˉ making to harmonize the economic development and environmental protection by using views and methods of ecological modernisation .

  28. 港口区、浴场、居住区从参与环境决策、绿色消费、和绿色营销方面确定参与的方式和内容。

    The form and content of participation for various people in the port areas , bathing places and living areas are decided by the various ranges : environmental decision-making , green consumption , and green marketing planning .

  29. 介绍了省级环境决策支持系统的应用和二次开发研究的基本思路。主要内容包括系统目标、功能需求、开发环境、数据需求和系统结构。

    This paper gives basic ideas on application and secondary development and research of Provincial Environmental Decision Support System ( PEDSS ), including mainly system objectives , function requirements , development environment , data requirement and system architecture .

  30. 教科文组织的当地和土著知识体系计划是我们行动的先导为的是加强对土著人民维护、掌握、保护、发展其传统知识、参与环境决策等权利的尊重。

    UNESCOs Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems programme is the spearhead of our action to advance respect for indigenous peoples rights to maintain , control , protect and develop their traditional knowledge , and to participate in environmental decision-making .