
  • 网络environmental pollution liability insurance;environmental liability insurance;Environmental Impairment Liability
  1. 我国环境污染责任保险试点及相关问题探析

    The pilot program in environmental pollution liability insurance and relevant issues

  2. 其次,介绍了环境污染责任保险的意义。

    Second , the introduction of the significance of environmental pollution liability insurance .

  3. 首先,介绍了环境污染责任保险的概念和特征。

    First of all , introduced the concept and characteristics .

  4. 关于完善我国环境污染责任保险制度的思考

    On the Improvement of the System of Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance in China

  5. 第六,开发环境污染责任保险等保险品种。

    Sixthly , China should develop environment pollution liability insurance and other insurance products .

  6. 中国拟推出环境污染责任保险制度

    China plans to establish Environmental Liability Insurance system

  7. 环境污染责任保险是管理突发性环境污染风险的有效手段。

    Environmental pollution liability insurance is an effective way to manage sudden environmental pollution risk .

  8. 环境污染责任保险是以企业发生污染事故对第三方造成的损害依法应承担的赔偿责任为标的的保险。

    Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance is a business to a pollution incident on the third-party damage .

  9. 环境污染责任保险供需不足成因及解决策略

    The reason for insufficient supply of and demands for environmental pollution liability insurance and solution strategy

  10. 因此,对环境污染责任保险进行基础理论研究是十分紧迫、必要的。

    Therefore , conduct fundamental research of environmental pollution liability insurance is very urgent and necessary .

  11. 通过购买环境污染责任保险,企业可以在合理范围内节约环境保护成本。

    By purchasing environmental pollution liability insurance , enterprises can save environmental protection costs within reasonable range .

  12. 建立中国环境污染责任保险机制促进经济、社会和环境和谐发展

    Establish China Liability Insurance System for Environmental Pollution to Promote A Harmonious Economic , Social , and Environmental Development

  13. 为深入贯彻这一思想,环境污染责任保险制度急需在全国推广。

    For the further implementation of this idea , environmental pollution liability insurance system was urgently needed across the country .

  14. 基于以上考虑,本文对我国环境污染责任保险优先发展区域的选择进行了重点研究。

    Based on the above considerations , the paper of Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance on the priority areas selected for priority research .

  15. 淮河流域开展环境污染责任保险势在必行&基于淮河流域水污染治理的思考

    The Necessity of Developing Liability Insurance on Environmental Tort in Huaihe Valley : Based on Thought of Water Pollution Control in Huaihe Valley

  16. 国家应当在污染严重区域重点关注污染严重的行业,建议对污染严重的行业实行强制性的环境污染责任保险。

    Polluted areas in the country should focus on the polluting industries , it is recommended polluting industries compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance .

  17. 这些措施的实施效果对环境污染责任保险制度长远目标的市县具有重要意义。

    The implementation of these measures the effect of environmental pollution liability insurance system long-term goal of the city and county of great significance .

  18. 环境污染责任保险(绿色保险)是与绿色信贷、绿色证券并行的三大环境经济政策。

    Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance also called Green Insurance , as well as Green Credit and Green Securities , are three key environmental economic policies .

  19. 内因在于作为供给主体的保险公司承保环境污染责任保险具有外部经济性,容易导致供给不足;外因在于环境侵权数据及开展经验缺乏,研发能力和承保能力不足,导致环境污染责任保险供给相对不足。

    The internal cause is that there is external economy when insurance companies underwrite environmental pollution liability insurance , which can easily cause insufficient supply .

  20. 本文尝试以西部民族地区为研究对象,围绕试点地区开展环境污染责任保险所面临的现实问题展开。

    Regarding the western minority areas as the object of study , the thesis focus on the practical problems of carrying out environmental pollution liability insurance .

  21. 环境污染责任保险市场不能良性发展,有多方面的原因,环境污染保险自身的制度化构建的欠缺是一个重要原因。

    There are many factors that affect the sound development of environmental pollution liability insurance , yet the absence of environmental pollution liability insurance regulations is a key factor .

  22. 由于企业购买环境污染责任保险会增加企业的经营成本,因此政府应采取一系列措施鼓励污染严重的企业改善自身的环境状况。

    As enterprises to purchase pollution liability insurance will increase the operating costs of enterprises , the Government should take measures to encourage polluting enterprises to improve their environmental conditions .

  23. 实现两种模式的优势互补,并突出强制性责任保险模式的作用是对环境污染责任保险模式最佳的选择。

    The best choice of the environmental pollution liability insurance mode is to realize the advantages of the two models , and to highlight the role of compulsory insurance mode .

  24. 首先本文对环境污染责任保险制度做了概述,这部分介绍了环境污染责任保险的概念及国外的环境污染责任保险制度。

    First , this study of Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance systerm were outlined , this section describes the concept of Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance and foreign Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance system .

  25. 环境污染责任保险作为一种环境污染风险转移和分担机制,保护受害人利益,具有较强的社会管理功能。

    Environmental pollution liability insurance as a kind of environmental pollution risk transfer and sharing mechanism , to protect the interests of the victim , the strong function of social management .

  26. 国内外学者多数从环境污染责任保险的制度、保险模式、法律法规、保险模型和试点状况五个方面研究环境污染责任保险。

    Most domestic and foreign scholars study environmental pollution liability insurance from environmental pollution liability insurance system , insurance model , laws and regulations , the insurance model and pilot study .

  27. 通过对环境污染责任保险的概念界定和特点的分析,确定了环境污染责任保险的保险标的为环境污染侵权民事赔偿责任。

    Then , the insured object of environmental pollution liability insurance is proved to be the infringing civil liability for environmental pollution by defining the concept and characteristics of environmental pollution insurance .

  28. 同时,环境污染责任保险的开展也是可行的,不但具有经济学和法律基础的支撑,也具备了一定的实践基础。

    Meanwhile , environmental pollution liability insurance is also possible to carry out , Not only have the support of economic and legal basis , but also have a certain practical basis .

  29. 我国目前环境污染责任保险试点中对行业和区域的划分解决了环境风险承保范围影响因素的部分问题。

    As far as the current pilot work of environmental pollution liability insurance in China is concerned , the division in industries and regions can solve some problems in the coverage of environmental risk .

  30. 我国曾在上世纪九十年代短暂开展过环境污染责任保险,后因保费厘定的不科学、赔付率低等原因而陷入了无人投保的尴尬境地。

    In the nineties of the last century , China had been carried out short-term environmental pollution liability insurance , the latter because of the unscientific premium and low payment rates no one participated in the insurance .