
  1. 利用GIS技术手段,运用分形分维、灰色关联度、运输经济弹性系数和数据包络分析等方法定量研究环长株潭城市群内部公路交通网络与区域宏观经济发展的关系。

    This dissertation applies the GIS Technology , Fractal Dimension , Grey Correlation Analysis , Transportation Economics Elasticity , and Data Development Analysis to do a research on the relationship between highway traffic network and the macroeconomic development in the Ring of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration .

  2. 湖南省作为农业大省,环长株潭城市群又是湖南重点发展地区。

    As a major agricultural province of Hunan Province , Central City Group is focused on the development of Hunan regions .

  3. 环长株潭城市群是国家十二五规划和全国主体功能区规划确定的重点发展区域。

    Central City Group is a national " five " plan and the national main functional area planning to determine the key development areas .

  4. 环长株潭城市群是长江中游地区重要经济增长极,公路运输是城市群内部相互联系的主要交通方式。

    Ring of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration is an important economic growth pole in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River . Highway traffic is the most important transport to contact each other in Urban Agglomerations .