
  • 网络Cycloalkane;Cycloalkanes;naphthenic;Naphthene;naphthenes
  1. 一种无色、易燃的液体环烷烃,C5H10,从石油中提取并用作溶剂和发动机燃料。

    A colorless , flammable , liquid cycloalkane , C5H10 , derived from petroleum and used as a solvent and motor fuel .

  2. 用结构信息自相关拓扑指数预测环烷烃的折光指数

    Predicting the Refractive Index of Cycloalkane Using Structure Information Autocorrelation Topological Index

  3. 石蜡主要是由正构烷烃组成,还有较少的异构烷烃、环烷烃和芳烃,以及含微量S、N、O的化合物。

    Paraffin consists of n-alkane , short p-alkane , naphthene and aromatic , minimal amount of compounds containing elements S , N , O.

  4. 青海湖沉积物支链和环烷烃组分中C(20),C(25)和C(30)高度支链类异戊二烯烯烃

    C_ ( 20 ), C_ ( 25 ) and C_ ( 30 ) Highly Branched Isoprenoid Alkenes in The Branched and Cyclic Hydrocarbon Fractions of Qinghai Lake Sediments

  5. 本文利用高压DSC对各种燃料烃(正构烷烃、环烷烃、烷基芳烃和双环烃)的安定性进行了研究。

    In this paper , the experimental investigation on the stability of various fuel hydrocarbons was carried out by high pressure DSC .

  6. 对于相对分子质量近似的烃,烷烃KL值>环烷烃KL值>芳烃KL值;

    For hydrocarbons with , similar relative molecular weight , the KL values of paraffin , naphthene and aromatics decrease in order .

  7. RN-10催化剂的加氢饱和反应历程使稠环芳烃转化为多环环烷烃。

    RN-10 catalyst converts aromatics with condensed nuclei into polycyclic naphthenes through hydrosaturation ;

  8. 本文研究了南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡表层沉积物中C5-C15烃类化合物的分布特征,其中包括正构烷烃、异构烷烃、环烷烃和芳烃化合物。

    The C 5-C 15 hydrocarbon compounds have been studied in surficial sediments from the Bransfield strait , Antarctica . They include alkane , iso alkane , cyclohexane , aromatic and their substituted compounds .

  9. 链烷烃中正构烷烃的碳数分布为C20&C38,其中环烷烃的含量低于NMR的检测限,环烷烃的总离子流色谱图显示出其中的链烷烃含量很低。

    The carbon number distribution of normal paraffin in alkane is C_ 20 & C_ 38 . Cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon in alkane is less than the detection limit of NMR , and the total ion chromatogram of cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon shows that the content of alkane in cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon is very little .

  10. 改进后的模型将重整物料分为C6、C7和C8~+,每一个碳数的化合物又划分为正构烷烃、异构烷烃、环烷烃和芳烃4个集总,裂化产物C5~-作为一个集总。

    The models lumped reactants into three lumps including C6 , C7 and C8 + . Each carbon number lump was divided into normal-paraffin , iso-paraffin , naphthene and aromatics . Cracking products with less carbon number were taken as one lump C5 ~ - .

  11. 在Co-Br催化体系中研究了不同结构八碳烃的氧化行为,其相对氧化速率的顺序为:烯烃、烷基芳烃>环烷烃>异构烷烃>正构烷烃。

    The oxidation behaviors of C_8 hydrocarbons with different structures were studied in the Co-Br catalytic system . The order of relative oxida-tion rates was : olefins , alkyl aromatics > cycloalkanes > iso-alkanes > n-alkanes .

  12. 轻质馏分脂肪烃主要为环烯烃和二烯烃等烯烃,烷烃中以环烷烃居多;

    Aliphatic in light fraction is mainly alkene and cycloalkyl substance .

  13. 边支化度指数与环烷烃沸点的相关性

    Relativity of Edge Branch Index with the Boiling Points of Cycloalkanes

  14. 尿素络合纸层析法分离支链&环烷烃和正烷烃

    Seperating branched naphthenes and n-alkane by paper chromatography of urea complexation

  15. 气相色谱法分析重质油中的饱和烃加环烷烃馏分

    Determination of satisfied and naphthenic hydrocarbon in heavy oils by gas chromatography

  16. 低能电子冲击下直链烷烃与环烷烃的离解

    Dissociation of Cyclane and Hexane Under Low Energy Electron Impact

  17. 词头顺和反常用于双取代的环烷烃。

    The prefixes cis and trans are frequently applied to disubstituted cycloalkanes .

  18. 计算环烷烃摩尔折射度的新方法

    A New Method for Calculating the Molar Refraction of Cycloalkanes

  19. 利用拓扑方法计算环烷烃的摩尔体积

    Calculating the Molar Volume of Cycloalkanes Using Topological Method

  20. 原油中的烃类成分主要分为烷烃、环烷烃、芳香烃。

    The hydrocarbon oil composition is divided into alkanes , cycloalkanes , aromatics .

  21. 碳原子序号拓扑指数对环烷烃物性的预测

    Predicting Physical Properties for Cyclanes with the Topological Index of Carbon Atomic Ordinal Number

  22. 据分子结构信息计算烷烃和环烷烃沸点的方法探讨

    Calculating the boiling point of alkanes and cycloalkane from the information of molecular structure

  23. 卤代环烷烃化合物与卤代芳香化合物是研究光化学反应的代表体系。

    Cycloalkyl and aromatic halides compounds are the specific system to study the photochemical reactions .

  24. 丙酮-环烷烃体系的无限稀释活度系数的气提法测定研究

    Studies on the Determination of Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients of Acetone-Cycloalkane Systems by Gas Stripping Method

  25. 烯烃的催化裂解速率远远高于同碳数烷烃、环烷烃。

    Olefin has a higher cracking rate than alkane and naphthene at the same carbon number .

  26. 转化率比较法是根据特定环烷烃的转化率来判断;

    In conversion comparison method , the leak is found by looking at the naphthene conversion .

  27. 用投影寻踪方法研究环烷烃保留指数与拓扑指数的定量构性关系

    Studies on QSPR Between GC Retention Indices And Topological Indices of Cycloalkanes by Using Projection Pursuit Method

  28. 环烷烃稳定性的研究

    On the Stability of Cycloalkanes

  29. Y分子筛上发生的主要是汽油烯烃和环烷烃之间的氢转移反应。

    The hydrogen transfer reaction on the Y zeolite catalyst mainly takes place between gasoline olefins and naphthenes .

  30. 所建立的芳烃和环烷烃、长链烷烃、轻质产物的三集总动力学模型可以较好地预测产物分布。

    The product distributions of hydrocracking tail oil can be properly predicted by the three lumped kinetic model .