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  • chemical fertilizer
化学肥料 [huà xué féi liào]
  • [chemical fertilizer] 以空气、水、矿石、煤、焦炭、石油、天然气为原料,经过化学反应或机械加工制成的肥料有氮肥、磷肥、钾肥及微量元素肥料等。化学肥料肥分多,见效快,通常用做追肥。简称化肥

  1. 本文通过试验证明了栽培玉米增施化学肥料既可以提高粮食单产,又可随着粮食产量的增加而增多玉米根茬的数量。

    Experiment showed that fertilizer application could increase not only the yield of maize but also the quantity of Its roots .

  2. 他们也购买和施用化学肥料,并且使用几种杀虫除草的方法。

    They are buying and applying fertilizer and they are engaging in some forms of pest control for weeds and insects .

  3. 利用鸡粪为主体原料配以N、P、K化学肥料和硼、锌、锰等微量元素制成便于贮藏、运输和使用的有机-无机颗粒肥。

    Organic-inorganic granular fertilizer made of chicken manure powder plus N , P , K chemical fertilizers and microelements B , Zn , Mn , et al .

  4. 在铁黄生产用氨水作沉淀剂直接回收反应所生成的(NH4)2O4,用作化学肥料或回收氨。

    Using NH_3 · H_2O as precipitating agent in producing ferric yellow can direct recycle the by-product ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 for the chemical fertilizer or recycle ammonia .

  5. 我方为你公司提供2000吨化学肥料,每长吨150,CIF越南,4月起运。

    156.We offer you firm 2,000 tons of chemical fertilizer at £ 150 per long ton CIF Vietnam deliver in April .

  6. 叶绿素和可溶性糖含量却以T2(复合基质+化学肥料)最接近对照。

    But with the compatible sugar and the chlorophyll content , T 2 ( the basis material of mixing + chemical fertilizer ) is similar with CK .

  7. 从影响土壤锌自然消减的因素方面,阐述了锌自然消减的研究进展。土壤锌自然消减受温度、水分、pH值、有机质、改良剂、化学肥料、栽培植物等因素的影响。

    This paper mainly introduced the process of natural attenuation of zinc in soils from the effects of major factors including soil temperature , moisture , pH , organic matter , amendable and organic materials , chemical fertilizers , cultivating plants , etc.

  8. 又由于酸性化学肥料的大量施入,土壤pH值由8.3下降为5.3.果园的营建,明显改善了土壤的肥力状况及其保水保肥性能,提高了沙滩地的利用价值及生态经济效益。

    Meanwhile the PH was decreased from 8 . 3 to 5 . 3 . Afforestation and planting fruit trees at the coastal sandy land largely improved the soil fertility status and water-holding capacity as well as utilization value of sandy land .

  9. Bernstein利用一种化学肥料种植作物已多年,她发现,可以用养鱼的废水种植有机蔬菜和水果。

    Ms. Bernstein grew plants in water with a chemical fertilizer for years . Then she discovered she could use wastewater from fish to grow organic vegetables and fruit .

  10. 总之,从降低包膜肥料成本,提高肥料利用率,减少施用化学肥料对生态环境造成污染的角度出发,PGg型包膜肥料效果最好。

    In conclusion , The effect of PGg coated fertilizer is the best , considering from diminishing the cost of coated fertilizer , improving fertilizer efficiency , reducing ecological environment pollution .

  11. 腐植酸对化学肥料的增效作用研究

    Study on the Synergetic Effect of Humic Acid on Chemical Fertilizer

  12. 科鲁克斯提出的解决办法是创造一种化学肥料。

    The solution Crookes proposed is to create a chemical fertilizer .

  13. 有机蔬菜尝起来比化学肥料栽种的要好吃。

    Organic vegetables taste more delicious than those treated with chemical fertilizers .

  14. 土壤矿化氮与化学肥料供应的氮素两者之和就是当季作物所能吸收利用的最大氮素营养。

    The maximum nitrogen of crop intake is the sum of both .

  15. 杀虫剂和化学肥料是农业生产的主要污染物。

    Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are the main contaminants in agricultural production .

  16. 有机耕作就是不用任何化学肥料的耕作。

    Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals .

  17. 法律不容许使用化学肥料。

    The law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers .

  18. 但1950年欧洲发展化学肥料。

    But then , in the1950s , chemical fertilisers were developed in europe .

  19. 发展化学肥料保证农业增产防止地力衰退

    Develop chemical fertilizers , increase agricultural production , prevent depletion of soil fertility

  20. 接下来,他取来一袋化学肥料然后爆炸了它!

    Next , he fetched a bag of chemical fertilizer and exploded it !

  21. 结果表明,施用化学肥料可增大土壤电导率;

    The results showed that fertilization increased electric conductivity of the surface soil .

  22. 施用化学肥料对玉米根茬数量的影响

    Effect of fertilizer application on quantity of maize roots

  23. 一种极具推广价值的化学肥料硝酸铵钙

    Calcium Ammonium Nitrate as Fertilizer with Market Value

  24. 化学肥料对黄连白绢病菌丝生长的影响

    The Effect of Chemical Fertilizers on Mycelial Growth of Southern Blight of Coptis chinensis

  25. 泥炭和化学肥料处理对黑麦草在铜矿尾矿砂上生长影响的研究

    Study of ryegrass growth in copper mine tailing treated with peat and chemical fertilizer

  26. 化学肥料与生态环境的关系

    The relation between chemical fertilizer and ecologic environment

  27. 施用化学肥料对水稻根、茎叶等生物量构成的影响

    Effect of Chemical Fertilizer on the Make up of Biomass of Rice Root and Straw

  28. 近红外技术快速检测复合化学肥料中肉骨粉含量的研究

    Rapid prediction of meat and bone meal content in compound fertilizer by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy

  29. 不合理施肥措施均会促进河沙泥和红黄泥土壤氮素、磷素、钾素养分的渗漏损失,尤以化学肥料的不合理施用更甚。

    All irrational fertilization treatments facilitate leakage loss of N , P , and K nutrient .

  30. 长期大量施用化学肥料是导致害虫猖獗为害的直接原因之一。

    The abuse of chemical fertilizers is one of the key reasons for insect pest outbreaks .