
huà xué ɡōnɡ yè
  • chemical industry
  1. 上海化学工业区区内线部分的建设需要设置调度照明及自动道口、道岔信号设备。

    The extension of the special line within Shanghai Chemical Industry Park shall be outfitted with dispatch illumination , and automatic signaling device at crossing and turnout .

  2. 中国石油和化学工业协会(ChinaPetroleumandChemicalIndustryAssociation)的分析师说,中国公司还没有在这方面做太多的工作。

    Chinese companies aren 't sweating the issue , say analysts at the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association .

  3. DCS在化学工业中应用概况

    Application of DCS in Chemical Industry

  4. 这是我们开始时讲的例子,反应,talking,about,,the,Haber,process。,这个很重要的工业反应,开启了化学工业的大门。

    Because this was the example that we started out with , Haber This important industrial reaction that started the chemical industry , essentially .

  5. 广州市化学工业研究所通过选择一系列的助剂获得了自分层水性PTFE耐高温防粘涂料。

    Guangzhou Chemical Industry Institute obtained a PTFE heat-resisting and viscosity-proof coating of water-based and selfdemixing by selecting a series of assistants .

  6. 2003年,吉林省石油化学工业总产值达到410亿元,占吉林省GDP的16.29%,是吉林省支柱产业之一。

    The production value of Jilin petrochemical industry in 2003 is 41 billion , 16.29 % of GDP of Jilin Province , and is the backbone of it .

  7. 采掘业、石油行业、化学工业、金属冶炼等行业和部门是CO2的高排放部门,但同时也是实现减排较有潜力的部门。

    Mining , oil industry , chemical industry , and metal smelting industry are high CO2-emission industries , but meanwhile they have more potential to abate their CO2 emissions .

  8. ②1984年发生的博帕尔毒气事件被称做化学工业的广岛(Hiroshima)。

    The Bhopal gas tragedy in1984 can rightly be called the Hiroshima of the chemical industry .

  9. 从产出规模来看,江苏省四大支柱产业中只有化学工业对GDP贡献较大,其余规模偏小;

    In light of input and output scale , only chemical industry out of the four pillar industries in Jiangsu Province has a big contribution to its GDP while the other three have not ;

  10. 今天各种KBS在化学工业的最大用途就是故障诊断。

    To date , the largest use of KBSs in the chemical industry has been in fault diagnosis .

  11. 随着液相色谱/质谱(liquidchromatogramandmassspectrum,LC/MS)联用技术的不断发展以及商品仪器的推出,LC/MS联用在医药、生物大分子、化学工业等领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of the liquid chromatogram and mass spectrum ( LC / MS ) technology and the appearance of the LC / MS instruments , LC / MS has been playing more and more roles in medicines and biomacromolecule field .

  12. 在对江西省主导产业对经济增长的研究来看,金属冶炼及压延加工业对GDP的贡献率最大,其次是化学工业,食品制造业。

    , the leading industry in Jiangxi Province , the research point of view on economic growth , metal smelting and rolling processing industry , the greatest contribution to the GDP , followed by the chemical industry , food manufacturing .

  13. 选取上海化学工业区土壤背景值样品,采用TessierA连续提取法研究土壤中6种重金属元素的形态分布。

    The paper investigates the speciation of heavy metals in soil samples from Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park , using Tessier A sequential extraction method .

  14. 上海化学工业区(SCIP)秉承绿色经济循环经济的理念,在大力发展经济的同时,也致力于环境保护工作,而位于化工园区内占地22公顷的人工湿则是这一工作的重要体现。

    Shanghai Chemical Industry Park ( SCIP ) adhering to the concept of " green economy " and " circular economy " . It committed to environmental protection , while developing the economy vigorously , and 22 hectares of constructed wetlands in SCIP is an important manifestation of this work .

  15. 上海化学工业区发展公司十年大事回顾与思考

    Review and Consideration of SCIP ′ s Construction in Ten Years

  16. 广东化学工业现状及发展思考

    Status in quo and Development of Chemical Industry in Guangdong Province

  17. 如今化学工业中的结晶过程普遍采用搅拌混合方式。

    Now agitation is a commonly mixing operation in chemical industry .

  18. 化学工业为高技术提供各种新型材料。

    The provision of various types of new materials for high-tech.

  19. ②环境生态是21世纪化学工业要解决的突出问题;

    Environmental and ecologic matters as the most important tasks in21 century ;

  20. 气体膜分离技术在石油化学工业上的应用开发

    Application Development of Gas Membrane Separation Technology in Petrochemical Industries

  21. 贵州化学工业的发展应与生态保护并重

    Development of Guizhou Chemical Industry and Protection of Ecological Environment

  22. 上海化学工业区实践五个一体化的体会

    Experience of Practising Five Integrations in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park

  23. 海藻酸盐是日用化学工业中常用的原料之一。

    Alginates were common raw materials in domestic chemical industry .

  24. 化学工业资源节约综合利用技术

    Resource conservation and comprehensive utilization technology in the chemical industry

  25. 石油化学工业吸引世界各地人们到此。

    The petrochemical industry has attracted people from all around the world .

  26. 初探石油和化学工业行业电子商务发展方略

    A General Plan on Development of e-Commerce for Petrol and Chemical Industry

  27. 我国化学工业要承诺并实施责任关怀

    Responsible Care Should Be Commited , Implemented in Chemical Industry in China

  28. 渔业与化学工业关系密切。

    There are intimate relationships between fishery and chemical industry .

  29. 管壳式换热器是石油化学工业中最常见的设备。

    Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are widely used in petrochemical industries .

  30. 化学工业用耐酸陶瓷–有圆锥法兰的t型管

    Conical flanged t-pipes of acid proof porcelains for chemical industry