
  1. 鉴于上述诸多问题,现行的环境行政补偿制度亟待完善。

    Compensatory institution on environment execution needs to reform and perfect .

  2. 通过概念的界定,使我们对环境行政补偿有一个更加清晰的认识,更深刻的了解补偿本质。

    By definition of the concept , so that we have a clearer understanding on environmental administrative compensation , more profound understanding of the nature of compensation .

  3. 在立法技术上,虽然几十部法律法规中都涉及到了行政补偿问题,但涉及环境行政补偿的只有十几部,而且规定过于原则缺乏科学性、操作性。

    In the legal technology although tens of laws concerned about problems of compensatory institution on environment execution , the laws about compensatory institution on environment execution are only ten and they are lack of science and operation .