
  1. 论环境行政程序在环境法治中的作用

    Environment Administrative procedure plays Role in Environmental Rule of law

  2. 而环境行政程序又具有特殊性,它往往与科技相关联,环境决策于未知,使环境行政程序具有风险性;

    The environmental administrative procedure has its particularities : It tends to be connected with science and technology ; To protect environment is to make policy on the unknown , which risks great dangers ;

  3. 环境行政听证程序的价值论

    On the Value Of Environmental Administrative Hearing Procedure

  4. 本论文从环境行政听证程序的基本理论入手,进而提出了环境行政听证程序的概念、特点及其重要意义。

    This paper begins with the basic theory of the environmental administrative hearing procedure , and brings forward the conception , specialty and important meaning of the environmental administrative hearing procedure .

  5. 在听证程序的适用部分,详细介绍了环境行政听证程序在我国的法律规定、实践应用和存在的问题分析。

    In the application ranges part of hearing procedure , detailedly introduces the questions about the law stipulate , practice application and analysis on exist problems of environmental administrative hearing procedure in China .

  6. 本文根据《行政处罚法》的要求,阐述了环境保护行政处罚告知程序在履行中存在的问题和加强这一工作的具体措施与步骤,有较强的操作性、指导性与实践性。

    According to the demand of Administrative Punishment , the problems and adaptation in observance of notifying program in administrative punishment of environmental protective law are discussed .

  7. 同时,环境行政的特点和困难决定了环境行政实施正当法律程序的必要性。

    Meanwhile , the characteristics and difficulties of the environmental administration decide that it is necessary for the environmental administration to enforce legitimate legal procedure .

  8. 建立和完善环境行政法的控权机制则包括完善综合的控权机制、环境行政程序法律制度及建立环境行政公益诉讼制度三方面的内容。

    To establish and perfect the controlling power mechanism of environmental administrative law , it include three respects : to perfect comprehensive controlling power mechanism , to perfect the environmental administrative procedure legal system and to establish the environmental administrative public good lawsuit system .

  9. 一改我国重实体,轻程序的现状,将环境法治建设的重点转向了环境保护法律法规和规章的实施环节,这是环境行政程序领域的一大突破。

    To change our country 's presence of " Emphasizing substance , understating procedure ", the dissertation suggests to shift the focus of environmental legislative construction to the enforcement of environmental protection legal rules and regulations , which is a breakthrough in the field of environmental administrative procedure .