
  • 网络environmental administrative law enforcement
  1. 第三章国外环境行政执法经验及借鉴,主要分析了美国等国家有关环境行政执法方面的经验及对这些国家环境行政执法经验的借鉴。

    The third chapter foreign environmental administrative law enforcement experience and reference , mainly analyzes the USA and other relevant state environmental administrative law enforcement experience and reference to the national environmental administrative law enforcement experience .

  2. 环境行政执法问题是直接关乎西部区域经济社会可持续发展目标能否得到有效实现的关键性问题之一。

    Although great development in environmental administrative law enforcement has been achieved in recent years , there are still a lot of areas that need further improvement .

  3. 现在环境行政执法尚存在不少问题。

    At present , there are many problems in it .

  4. 中国环境行政执法能力建设现状调查与问题分析

    Survey on the Capacity of Environmental Administrative Enforcement in China

  5. 环境行政执法责任制必须依法作出。

    Environmental system of job responsibility must be made according to law .

  6. 环境行政执法对于环境保护和治理有着重要的作用。

    Environmental Administration plays an important role in environmental protection .

  7. 污染防治的环境行政执法机制研究

    On the Mechanism of Administrative Enforcement in Pollution Prevention

  8. 论环境行政执法中的准行政行为

    Preliminary Discussion on Quasi-Administrative Action of Environmental Administer Justice

  9. 西部环境行政执法现状及其优化

    Status and Optimization of Enforcement of Environmental Administrative Law in the Western Region

  10. 环境行政执法是我国各项环境法律、法规得以顺利实施的重要保障。

    The enforcement of environment administration law ensures the smooth implementation of environment laws .

  11. 试论环境行政执法四川旅游环境行政执法法律制度研究

    The Study on the Law System of Tourist Environment Administrative Enforcement of in Sichuan

  12. 环境行政执法作为环境行政的重要组成部分,司法监督的重要性不言而喻。

    Therefore , the judicial supervision plays a very important role in the environmental administration .

  13. 其次,说明我国环境行政执法内部责任追究机制运行暴露的问题。

    Next , the administrative enforcement of environmental accountability mechanisms within the operation to expose .

  14. 文章第二部分是环境行政执法内部责任追究制概述。

    The second part is the environment within the administrative law enforcement accountability system overview .

  15. 海洋环境行政执法若干问题研究

    Several Problems on Marine Environmental Administration

  16. 文章第三部分是我国环境行政执法内部责任追究机制的问题与根源。

    The third part is the administrative enforcement of environmental problems within the accountability mechanisms and root causes .

  17. 全面实行环境行政执法责任制是保障环境法律、法规、规章有效实施的重要举措。

    To implement system of job responsibility in environmental administration comprehensively was the important act to implement environmental law effectively .

  18. 对规范行政执法的思考&兼谈行政执法与刑事执法的衔接环境行政执法存在的问题及应对措施

    Thoughts on Normalized Administration Enforcement of Laws On The Problems Existing in Administration Enforcement of Environmental Law and The Countermeasures

  19. 主要介绍了环境行政执法的意义、我国环境行政执法存在的诸多问题,并提出了针对性的完善措施。

    Some problems existing in the present enforcement of laws are enumerated and measures that should be taken for improvement are suggested .

  20. 环境行政执法中的环境行政行为,按其是否是主体主动作出,分为依职权环境行政行为和依请求环境行政行为。

    Environmental administrative action of environmental administer justice are divided into environmental administrative action in accordance with authority of office and quasi-administrative action depends upon asking .

  21. 环境行政执法是环境保护工作的重要组成部分,是实现国家环保目标的重要保障。

    The administrative enforcement of environmental law is the important component of the environmental protection work , and is the important safeguard which realizes the national environmental protection goal .

  22. 三是看环境行政执法证据是否充分,环境行政机关作出的决定应以事实为依据,以法律为准绳,要遵循先取证,后裁决的规则,否则就有恣意行政的可能。

    That is to say , the decisions the environmental administration department made must be based on facts and examined by law in case of the abuse of the administrative rights .

  23. 对环境行政执法难的内外因进行解构,分清主次,着重解决影响环境执法难的主因,并适当关注影响环境执法难的助因,同时基于应然立场提出解决问题的实践进路。

    It deconstructs the internal and external reasons , lay stress on the main cause , and pays due consideration to secondary cause , meanwhile , it presents practical solutions to this problem .

  24. 不可否认,强制性环境行政执法在环境治理和保护中起到了一定的作用,但是,该执法行为却越来越遭到人们的质疑和反对。

    Undeniably , The law enforcement of compulsory environmental administration plays an important role in environmental protection , but , people are increasingly being questioned and opposed the law enforcement of compulsory environmental administration .

  25. 而我国目前的环境行政执法存在诸多问题,与可持续发展的目标相差甚远,是导致我国环境状况不佳的重要原因。

    Many problems existing in the environmental government execution of our country that are not constant with the " Sustainable Development " theory are the important reasons resulting in the bad condition of it .

  26. 该部分对于我国环境行政执法内部责任追究机制实际的运行以及出现的问题和根源进行了全面的阐述,为最后问题的解决做了铺垫。

    The part of the environmental administration in our country within the actual operation of accountability mechanisms and root causes of problems and a comprehensive exposition of the final solution to the problem do the upholstery .

  27. 因此,环境行政执法难不单纯是一个法律问题,而是关系到政治、经济、社会等各个方面的综合问题,环境行政执法难的问题需要在可持续的科学发展中逐步加以解决。

    Therefore , the difficulty in environmental protection law enforcement is not only a legal problem but also a comprehensive problem relating to politics , economy , society and other aspects , so it should be solved in the scientific sustainable development .

  28. 通过分析我国的现状,提出了排除我国环境行政执法障碍的具体措施并且总结出了我国走出环境行政执法困境的长效机制。

    By analyzing the current situation of China , the author propose specific measures of exclusion barriers about environmental administration in China , and sum up the long-term mechanism of administrative law enforcement in order to walk out of dilemma in our country .

  29. 旅游环境行政执法主体在内的行政执法主体按照法定程序执法是对环境行政执法主体行使执法权的一种必要节制,是法律规定的职责,是依法行政的一个重要方面。

    It is a necessary limitation to the power of the administrative subject including tourist environment enforcing the law according to due procedure of law , a duty of the legal provisions and an important respect of administering the state according to law .

  30. 第一部分提出了环境行政执法的内涵和特征,为下文提供了理论基础。

    In the first part of the article , the author put forward the connotation of the environment and characteristics of administrative law enforcement , which will lay a theoretical foundation for entire article from the enforcement of administrative law point of view .