
  • 网络environmental cost;Environment cost
  1. 为了弄清这些设备使用了多少能源,纽约罗切斯特理工学院的卡莉·巴比特和她的同事跟踪了每种产品从开采矿物到停止使用的整个生命周期的环境成本。

    To figure out how much power these devices are using , Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life — from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device .

  2. 而绿色GDP的提出充分考虑和计算了在单位GDP生产中所消耗的资源和环境成本,遵循实现环境和资源收益最大化的原则,是对传统GDP进行进一步的科学的细化和修正。

    The Green GDP calculation give full consideration and calculate the resources and environmental costs of the unit of GDP production , follow to the principle of achieve the environment and resources maximize benefits , refine and amend the traditional GDP more scientific .

  3. 运送和包装过程中都会产生隐性的环境成本。

    The hidden environmental cost was found to be delivery and packaging costs .

  4. 对环境成本与GDP调整问题的思考

    To Think for Problems of the Environment Cost with GDP Adjustment

  5. PVC企业发展与环境成本管理初探

    Development of PVC enterprises and primary discussion of management of environmental cost

  6. 绿色GDP是减去环境成本的GDP的余额。

    The green GDP is the surplus amount of GDP that subtracts environment cost .

  7. 环境成本管理引入ERP系统必然为企业的环境成本管理带来新的理念和方法,也为ERP系统未来的发展指出一个方向。

    The introduce of environmental cost into ERP system must bring new idea and method for the environmental cost management of enterprises , and points out a direction for the future development of ERP system .

  8. 结果表明,在不考虑环境成本的情况下,如果贴现率保持在8%以内,CNG公交车生命周期成本均低于柴油车;

    The results show that , the LCC of CNG powered bus is less than diesel bus if discount rate is below 8 % and environmental cost is not included ;

  9. Khan说,农民使用杀虫剂防御攻击他们的作物的病虫害,这是因为较低石油价格让杀虫剂更便宜,而且农民不知道环境成本。

    Farmers had used pesticides to defeat the pests and diseases that attacked their crops because lower oil prices made them cheaper , and farmers were not aware of the environmental costs , said Khan .

  10. 10年间GDP年均增长18.5%,到2004年,国民经济总产值实现了翻两番的目标。GDP增加了,经济蛋糕做大了,但是,我们为经济的增长支付了相当昂贵的生态环境成本。

    During the last ten years , the average rate of GDP growth is 18 . 5 % every year , which is nearly quadruple by 2004 . The GDP increased and economy developed quickly , but our economy developed at the cost of ecological environment .

  11. 然而,这种传统GDP核算体系忽视自然资源与环境成本,仅以产品与劳务的市场交易价值作为评价标准的明显弊端,造成GDP指标的虚拟增大,因此对其修正刻不容缓。

    However , the traditional GDP calculation system neglects the cost of natural resources and the environment . The obvious limitation of the system that takes product and service market value in exchange as the only assessment criteria , results in the false increase of the GDP indicators .

  12. 结合项目的阶段性特征,构建以企业项目净现值(NPV)最大化为目标函数,以消费者、政府诉求为约束条件的环境成本内部化项目综合评价模型。

    According to the periodic characteristics of the project , the comprehensive evaluation model of environment cost internalization project was constructed , as the objective function is to maximize the net present value ( NPV ) of projects and constraint conditions with demands of consumers and the government .

  13. 第五章:社会环境成本本位化机制探讨。

    Chapter 5 : Discussion of social environmental cost standardization mechanism .

  14. 煤炭环境成本构成与变化规律分析

    Study on the structure and change rule of coal environment costs

  15. 第二章:社会环境成本计量的框架与方法。

    Chapter 2 : Social environmental cost measurement frame and method .

  16. 进行了商品人工林环境成本的测度计量。

    Accounting of environmental costs for commercial plantation has been conducted .

  17. 基于环境成本的磨煤机运行经济性

    Economic behavior of coal pulverizer in operation based on environmental cost

  18. 企业应当加强环境成本管理,对环境成本进行计量。

    Enterprises strengthen the management of environmental costs and measure it .

  19. 环境成本内在化对港口可持续发展的影响

    Effect of Internalization of Environmental Cost on Sustainable Development of Ports

  20. 我国制造业环境成本的实证分析与思考

    Empirical Analysis and Thinking about Environmental Costs of China 's Industry

  21. 电力生产环境成本计算方法的研究

    Study on calculation method of environmental costs for power generation

  22. 环境成本内在化的主要障碍及对策分析

    The Main Obstacle and Countermeasure Analysis of the Internality of Environment Cost

  23. 荷兰环境成本核算实践及启示

    Environmental Cost Accounting in the Netherlands : Practices and Revelations

  24. 论可持续发展战略下环境成本的计量方法

    Construction of Environment Cost Measurement Model Under Sustainable Development Stratagem

  25. 第二部分环境成本会计的方法。

    The second section is means of Environment Cost Accounting .

  26. 浅谈企业建设项目的环境成本管理

    Recognition of Environmental Cost Management in Construction Projects of Enterprise

  27. 可持续发展的保障&企业环境成本控制

    The Guarantee for Sustainable Development & the Enterprise 's Environmental Cost Control

  28. 环境成本内部化及其对国际贸易的影响

    Internalization of Environment Cost and Its Effects on International Trade

  29. 交通环境成本中噪声污染的成本评价方法分析

    Analysis on Cost Assessment Method of Noise Pollution in Transportation Environment Cost

  30. 洞庭湖区畜禽粪便中氮素污染及其环境成本

    Nitrogen pollution and environmental cost of livestock manure in Dongting lake area