
  • 网络enterprise information construction;enterprise informationization construction;IT promotion in enterprises
  1. 电信企业信息化建设的几点考虑

    Several Reflections on Enterprise Informationization Construction of the Telecom Carrier

  2. 企业信息化建设投入产出的相对有效性分析

    Analysis on the Relative Efficiency for the Input-output of the Enterprise Informationization Construction

  3. 厂级监控信息系统(SupervisoryInformationSystem,SIS)是发电企业信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    Supervisory Information System ( SIS ) is an important part of the information construction in power plant .

  4. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider)模式是中小企业信息化建设的捷径。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) mode is a shortcut in informatization building of medium and small-sized enterprises .

  5. 基于DEA分析的制造业企业信息化建设效率评价研究

    Research on Enterprise Informatization of Manufacturing Industry Based on DEA Analysis

  6. 随着Internet的普及和企业信息化建设的加快,单点登录技术得到了广泛的应用。

    Along with Internet popularization and enterprise becoming an information based society construction speed - ing up , The Single Sign-On technology obtained the broad application .

  7. 在硬件网络的基础上,ERP还可以作为企业信息化建设的架构和平台;

    ERP may also serve as framework and platform for IT construction on the basis of hardware network .

  8. 而ERP建设正是中小企业信息化建设的一个重要内容。

    And Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) project is an important part of information construction in SME .

  9. 生产实时监测和管理系统是石油化工企业信息化建设和ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)项目的一个重要组成部分。

    A production real-time monitor and management system is an important part of a petrochemical enterprise information system and ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) project .

  10. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)作为知识管理体系的基础支撑软件,成为企业信息化建设的关键。

    Office Automation ( OA ) as a basic software for knowledge management system is a key of information building for enterprises .

  11. 基于SaaS的中小企业信息化建设探讨

    Research of the construction of SaaS-based informatization regarding medium-sized and small enterprises

  12. 加入WTO后,为了提高冶金行业的核心竞争力,企业信息化建设已势在必行。

    With China entering into WTO and in order to enhance the capability of competitive , the information system construction of metallurgy enterprise is becoming imperative .

  13. 办公自动化(OA)是企业信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    Office Automation ( OA ) is the organization of information technology an important part of the building .

  14. 研究了CAPP系统的技术特点,开发了一种基于网络环境的面向企业信息化建设的集成工艺设计平台。

    The paper investigated the technical characteristic of the CAPP System and developed a process planning platform facing enterprise information mode .

  15. 第一章简述了企业信息化建设的意义以及CAPP的发展概况与研发需求;

    The significance of managing the enterprise information , the development and requirement of CAPP was simply introduced in chapter one ;

  16. 同时在对圆宝公司进行整体需求分析基础上,提出圆宝公司企业信息化建设的总体设计方案,并基于UML和工作流技术对圆宝公司企业信息化建设进行详细设计。

    Forth analysis the whole need of enterprise , put forward developments project , and base on the UML and workflow to detailed design .

  17. 对此,我们采用一种新的软件应用模式&SaaS(SoftwareasaService)软件即服务,通过软件租用模式来解决中小型企业信息化建设带来的难题。

    In this dissertation , we adopt a new software application model – SaaS ( software as a service ) software as a service . Solving big information challenges of small and medium garment enterprise by using software-leasing pattern .

  18. 说明使用MOSS作为企业信息化建设平台的优势。

    The advantages of MOSS as the use of enterprise information platform construction are showed . 3 .

  19. CAPP是企业信息化建设中联系设计和生产的纽带,同时也为管理部门提供相关数据,是企业信息交换的中间环节。

    CAPP serves as a tie between the design and production in the enterprises ' information construction and provides relevant data for the management .

  20. 应用PLM进行制造业企业信息化建设

    The Enterprise Information Construction Based PLM

  21. ERP系统作为企业信息化建设中的重要组成部分,能给企业带来先进的管理思想和变革,已引起越来越多国内企业的重视。

    As an important part of enterprise informatization , ERP System can bring advanced management thoughts and management transforms , and has aroused increasing attention of domestic enterprises .

  22. OLAP是近年来才发展起来的企业信息化建设的新技术,是一种共享多维信息的快速分析技术。

    OLAP , newly invented for construction of enterprise informationization , is a technique that supports efficient analysis of multi-dimensional shared information .

  23. 本文主要分析了进行企业信息化建设的两大关键系统(ERP系统和SIS系统)的功能及基本建设过程。

    This thesis main analyses the function and basic construct course of two key systems of enterprise information construct ( ERP system and SIS systems ) .

  24. 实施CRM系统是企业信息化建设、电子商务发展、企业管理理念的转变和企业战略发展的需要;

    It is useful for corporation 's information infrastructure construction , the development of E-commerce , the change of corporation management concept and the strategic development of enterprise .

  25. 数据库是各种管理信息系统MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)的核心,其性能是涉及MIS各方面的全局性问题,对企业信息化建设有着重要影响。

    The database is the core of various kinds of the management information system ( MIS ) . Its property is a question of overall importance related to different fields of MIS , having important influence on an enterprise 's informatization construction .

  26. 为了适应企业信息化建设的发展,提高办公效率和管理水平,邯钢集团在企业内部实施了办公自动化(OA)系统。

    We are implementing the office automation ( OA ) system in Handan Iron and Steel Group for adapting the development of enterprise information constructing and improve efficiency .

  27. 因此,完成企业信息化建设,以ERP技术提升企业的核心竞争力,已成为摆在我国中小企业面前的重要使命。

    So , finish enterprise 's information construction and promote the key competitiveness of enterprises with ERP technology , have already become the important mission in front of those enterprises of our country .

  28. 在面对企业信息化建设的大潮流时,中小企业越来越多地把ERP作为提高企业信息化水平的首选。

    In the face of the big trend of enterprise informatization construction , small and medium enterprises using enterprise resource planning as the first choice more and more to improve enterprise informatization level .

  29. 踏着企业信息化建设的步伐,我们发现,构建基于Web的应用系统的需求变得越来越复杂,开发周期越来越紧迫,对系统的稳定性,扩展性和维护性要求越来越高。

    In the enterprise , we can easily find that building a Web based application system has become more and more intricate . The developing period becomes more and more urgent . The demands for expansibility and maintenance property become higher and higher .

  30. 因此对CRM理论和应用深入研究,有利于促进我国企业信息化建设的步伐,也有利于进一步提高我国的CRM应用水平。

    Thus further studying the theory and application of CRM will help to promote the paces of enterprise information construction at home and help to improve the application level of CRM .