
  • 网络Department of Environmental Science
  1. 从清华大学环境科学系处理北京啤酒厂污水的厌氧消化器中分离到一株产甲烷菌菌株Px1。

    A strain of methanogenic bacterium Px1 was isolated from an anaerobic digester in the department of environmental sciences , TsingHua University , which treated the wastewater from Beijing Beer Factory .

  2. 多数环境科学系的学生是由国家教育部资助的。

    Most DES students are sponsored by the National Department of Education .

  3. MarkTadross是南非开普敦大学环境与地理科学系的高级研究员。

    Mark Tadross is a senior research fellow in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town , South Africa .

  4. 加州大学戴维斯分校环境科学与政策系教授黑斯廷斯,是世界上利用数学模型(方程组)来理解自然系统的顶级专家之一。

    Hastings , a professor in the UC Davis Department of EnvironmentalScience and Policy , is one of the world 's top experts in usingmathematical models ( sets of equations ) to understand natural systems .

  5. 此外,地质系还和环境科学和计算科学系设有交叉学科的硕士项目。

    In addition to graduate research projects in these areas , the department also participates actively in multidisciplinary MSc programs in Environmental Science and Computational Science .