
huán jìnɡ dì lǐ xué
  • environmental geography
  1. 工业绿色化:工业环境地理学研究动向

    The greening of industry : a research approach of industrial environmental geography

  2. 试论环境地理学的研究对象、内容与学科体系

    On the research object , contents and discipline system of environmental geography

  3. 聚落从选址布局、空间结构层次、技术处理到美学、环境地理学、民俗文化、地域文化等方面都有着特殊的研究价值和实际意义。

    They have special value of research and meaning from options , space structure levels , technical processing to aesthetics , geographic environment , folk culture and regional culture .

  4. 从环境地理学和环境化学的角度出发,研究了饮用水中亚硝酸盐以及微量元素的分布与癌症发病率的关系。

    The correlation between the distribution of nitrite and trace elements in the water and the incidence of the cancer is studied from the view of environmental geography and environmental chemistry in the paper .

  5. 虚拟地理环境的地理学语言特征

    The Linguistic Characteristics of Virtual Geographic Environments G Language

  6. 环境遥感对地理学研究方法的拓展

    The Environmental Remote Sensing and Researching Method of the Geographic Science

  7. 从地图到地理信息系统与虚拟地理环境&试论地理学语言的演变

    From Maps to GIS and VGE & A Discussion on the Evolution of the Geographic Language

  8. 本文以水文水资源学、环境科学、地理学和生态学等基础理论为指导,采用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,结合研究区的水文特征,展开了生态环境需水量研究。

    With the guidance of basic theories , such as hydrology and science of water resource , environment science , geography and ecology , combining the hydrology characteristic of the studying district , this paper does the research on the water requirement of the eco-environment .

  9. 环境、规划与地理学

    Environment , planning and geography

  10. 风水学从不同尺度来考察人类周围的环境,体现了地理学的尺度观念。

    Geomantic omen seeing about geographical environment at varied scales , which embodies a bright character of geography .

  11. 其使用功能经济合理、造型灵活朴实、紧密结合自然环境,同时在美学、环境地理学、民俗文化、地域文化等方面都有着特殊的研究价值和实际意义。

    Their functions are economic and reasonable , their sculpt are flexible and unadorned , and they are closely linked with the nature . So research of them has specific values and practical significance in aesthetics , geographic environment , folk culture and regional culture , and so on .

  12. 本文通过对地理环境特质的认识,揭示了统一地理学是地理学发展的必然趋势,由此认为建构于地理环境之上的统一地理学在协调人地关系中,必然能更好地发挥其作用。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of geographical environment , shows that unifying geography is the necessary tendency of the development of geography and holds that unifying geography based on geographical environment will play a better role in coordinating the relationship between man and land .

  13. 从人居环境研究的迫切性和重要性着手,论述人居环境与地理学之间的相互关系,地理学为人居环境研究服务的途径。

    Beginning with the urgency and importance of studying human settlement , this article discusses the relationship between human settlement and geography and ways by which geography serves for the study of human settlement .