
  • 网络oceanography;Marine Geography;ocean geography
  1. 海洋地理学和渔业委员会

    Committee on Oceanography and Fisheries

  2. 在海洋地理学中最有趣的工程之一就是绘制海床图。

    One of the most interesting projects in oceanography is the work of mapping the ocean floor .

  3. 海洋地理学的当代发展

    Recent two decade 's development of Marine Geography

  4. 这个实习要求我有蛙潜证书,而且还得是海洋地理学高年级的学生才行。

    Student : Well , the internship requires me to have scuba diving certification and to be a senior oceanography student .

  5. 海洋地理学涵盖从研究(海洋)物理特征、标明国际水域边界到分析海洋资源、沿海(地形)演变以及近海设施位置。

    Marine geography ranges from studying physical characteristics and designating international boundary waters to analyzing marine resources , coastal development , and offshore facility places .

  6. 试论海洋经济地理学

    A preliminary study on oceanic economic geography

  7. 积极开展海洋人文地理学研究促进我国海洋开发

    Carrying on the Study of Marine Human Geography Positively for the Development of Our Marine Region

  8. 海洋经济地理学是一个新兴的经济地理学分支,作者分析了海洋经济地理学产生发展的背景,并阐释了其研究对象和研究的地域范围。

    Marine economic geography is a rising branch of economic geography . This paper analyzes the background of the development of marine economic geography , and explains its researching objects and section scope .

  9. 海洋经济地理学是经济地理学的重要组成部分,海洋产业布局是海洋经济地理学研究的重要内容,而产业发展在空间上的非均衡性是产业布局的一般规律,在海洋产业布局中亦同样适用。

    Marine economic geography is an important part of economic geography , and marine industrial layout is also an important research . Non-balanced industrial development in space is a general law of industrial layout and it also works for marine industry layout .

  10. 本篇论文是以海洋经济地理学中产业布局理论为着眼点,基于省际尺度研究产业集聚活动形成的时空特征与规律及其与资源环境的协调发展。

    This thesis takes the industrial layout theory of the marine economic geography as a starting point , and researches spatio-temporal characteristics and formation law of marine industrial agglomeration activities and its coordination with the regional resources and environment in China based on interprovincial scale .