
hǎi jūn shànɡ jiànɡ
  • admiral;admiral of the navy
  1. 他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。

    He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral

  2. 他用不堪入耳的话辱骂那位海军上将。

    He abused the Admiral in the grossest terms

  3. 他从来没遇到过一位真正的海军上将。

    He had never met a real live admiral

  4. 就问一问那位海军上将,是否可以有劳他给我留个便条。

    Just ask the Admiral if he will be good enough to drop me a note .

  5. 和这两艘袖珍战列舰一样的还有重巡洋舰希佩海军上将号,赛德利兹号以及德尔福林格号

    So were the two pocket battleships and the big cruisers Admiral Hipper , Seydlitz and Derfflinger .

  6. 民主党众议员JoeSestak服役31年,现在已经作为海军上将退休。

    Democratic Representative Joe Sestak , served 31 years , and retired as an admiral .

  7. 两天前,我从海军上将Blair那儿接到电话

    Two days ago , I got a call from Admiral Blair .

  8. 海军上将MikeMullen是参谋首长联席会议主席。

    Admiral Mike Mullen is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .

  9. 即将卸任的美国参谋长联席会议(USJointChiefsofStaff)主席、海军上将威廉马伦(AdmiralWilliamMullen)曾将美国的债务描述为对国家安全的头号威胁。

    Admiral William Mullen , outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , has described the national debt as the greatest threat to US national security .

  10. 海岸警卫队海军上将ThadAllen正在监管政府对这次灾难做出的回应。

    Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen is overseeing the government 's response to the disaster .

  11. 与此相应的还有美国海军上将丹尼斯•布莱尔(AdmiralDennisBlair)上周公布的美国情报界年度威胁评估。

    Also relevant here is the annual threat assessment of the US intelligence community unveiled last week by Admiral Dennis Blair .

  12. 联军指挥官塞缪尔洛克利尔(samuellocklear)海军上将表示,正在考虑所有选项。

    Admiral Samuel Locklear , a coalition commander , said that all options were being considered .

  13. 海军上将曾经负责,Admiral,Demar,who,used,to,run,美国海军的核潜艇项目,他总会在新的潜艇到来时参加首航,确保它不会搁浅。

    Demar the US navy 's nuclear submarine program always went down on the first dive of every new submarine when they tested the hall to make sure it wouldn 't crush .

  14. 海军上将,参谋长联席会议主席迈克·马伦(MikeMullen)说,到今年年底,美国将了解到该战略是否奏效。

    Admiral Mike Mullen , the Joint Chiefs chairman , says the United States should know by the end of this year whether the strategy is working .

  15. 部长盖茨和和海军上将Mullen均表示很高兴看到促进撤军计划的种种努力。

    Both Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen said they were pleased with the process that led to the withdrawal plan .

  16. 上月,美国参谋长联席会议主席、海军上将迈克马伦(mikemullen)曾批评中国“短视”,不肯向朝鲜施加更大压力。

    Last month Admiral Mike Mullen , chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of staff , accused China of " myopia " for not putting more pressure on North Korea .

  17. 海军上将MikeMullen十分支持这一总结评估,这是第一次“参谋首长联席会议”的主席支持允许同性恋部队服役的做法。

    Admiral Mike Mullen heartily supported the review , the first time a chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has backed the idea of allowing gay troops to serve .

  18. 美国的司令官们宣称强烈支持这一计划,高级军官海军上将MikeMullen在FoxNews报的“周日栏目”中声称对总统的决定表示满意。

    U.S. commanders have indicated they are strongly supportive of the plan . The nation 's top military officer , Admiral Mike Mullen , told the Fox News Sunday program that he is comfortable with the president 's decision .

  19. 政府应对这场危机的主要人物海军上将ThadAllen承认,专家正在做决定,尽量谨慎。

    The government 's on the crisis , Admiral Thad Allen , who we 've heard so much from , he s that the experts the decision and sided with caution .

  20. 美国海军上将泰德艾伦(ThadAllen)在周日晚些时候发出的一封信中,首次提出了美国政府的担忧。艾伦上将是负责墨西哥湾漏油事件日常响应工作的美方最高官员。

    The US government 's initial concerns were raised late on Sunday in a letter from Admiral Thad Allen , the highest-ranking US official dealing with the day-to-day response in the US Gulf of Mexico .

  21. 海军上将塞缪尔•洛克利尔(SamuelLocklear)在华盛顿美国国会的一个听证会上表示,西方与朝鲜之间的关系已经恶化到朝鲜战争以来最糟糕的程度。

    Admiral Samuel Locklear , speaking at a congressional hearing in Washington , said that the relationship between the west and North Korea was as bad as it had been since the Korean war .

  22. 负责此次灾难响应的美国海岸警卫队海军上将泰德艾伦(thadallen)承认,联邦机构反应缓慢,但他表示,此次漏油出乎意料的分散性,妨碍了相关努力。

    Thad Allen , the Coast Guard Admiral in charge of the disaster response , admitted that federal agencies had been slow to react but said that the effort had been hampered by the unexpectedly dispersed nature of the spill .

  23. 海军上将——Allen上将是海军卫队的司令,做了关于禁止服用药物所作的努力——我们在禁止服药方面取得了巨大的进步,例如,主要由南美和中美地区运入我国的可可因减少了很多。

    The Admiral here has -- Admiral Allen , Commandant of the Coast Guard , reported about our interdiction efforts -- that we 've been making great progress at interdicting , for example , cocaine being trafficked primarily out of South America and Central America into our country .

  24. 但是五角大楼高级指挥官,海军上将MikeMullen表示,私营部门有着更加专业的技术。“其实这一方面最好的技术在石油行业。”

    But the Pentagon 's top commander , Admiral Mike Mullen says the private sector has the greater expertise . " In fact , the technology that the ... the best technology in the world with respect to that , exists in the oil industry , " said Admiral Mullen .

  25. 美军太平洋司令部(uspacom)司令、海军上将塞缪尔洛克利尔(samuellocklear)强调了与中国打造“较长期”安全合作关系的重要性,他指出,自今年上任以来,他已两次访问中国。

    Admiral Samuel Locklear , chief of the US Pacific Command ( cincpac ) , stressed the importance of building a " longer-term " security relationship with China , saying he had visited the country twice since he assumed his post this year .

  26. 学校里有多少建筑是为了纪念海军上将的?

    How many buildings at the academy are named for admirals ?

  27. 赫尔斯是16世纪海军上将赫尔斯的直系后裔。

    Hulse is a direct descendant of the16th century admiral hulse .

  28. 我已经向海军上将提交了辞呈。

    I 've already offered my resignation to the admiral .

  29. 这位海军上将写了一本有关他海上阅历的书

    The admiral have write a book about his experience on the sea

  30. 曾祖父,是皇家海军上将。

    Great grandfather was an admiral in the Royal navy .