
hǎi àn jǐnɡ wèi duì
  • coast guard
  1. 美国海岸警卫队说他们营救了100多名海地难民。

    The US Coast Guard says it rescued more than 100 Haitian refugees .

  2. 海军与海岸警卫队合作密切,尤其是在战时。

    The Navy and the coast guard work hand in glove , especially in war time .

  3. 这艘船点起了遇险信号以引起海岸警卫队的注意。

    The ship sent up distress flares to attract the attention of the coastguard .

  4. 他们用无线电和多佛海岸警卫队联络。

    They radioed Dover Coastguard .

  5. 海岸警卫队已接到报警。

    The coastguard was alerted .

  6. 海岸警卫队需要在几分钟内解读这些含混不清的信息。

    The Coastguard needs to decipher garbled messages in a few minutes .

  7. 海岸警卫队对两位潜水员生还已完全不抱希望。

    Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive .

  8. 船长向海岸警卫队报告了这起灾难。

    The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy

  9. 那艘船已找到,其名字和位置已报告给海岸警卫队。

    The ship was identified , and its name and position were reported to the coastguard

  10. 她的主人迈克·霍尔顿惊慌失措,把出现的康沃尔海岸警卫队送进了牢房。

    Her owner Mike Holden panicked and celled the coastguard of Cornwall , who turned up in seconds .

  11. 然后,有一天,电话铃响了,康沃尔郡的海岸警卫队史蒂夫·特雷格问霍尔德是否喜欢他的狗叫。

    Then , one day , the phone rang and Steve Tregear , the coastguard of Cornwall , asked Holder if he would like his dog bark .

  12. 但是BP石油公司和美国海岸警卫队相信,与潜在的环境危害相比,这次行动是值得的。

    But BP and the US Coast Guard believe it 's worth the potential environmental damage .

  13. 美国海岸警卫队(coastguard)表示,飓风“艾克”已造成至少11个海上石油平台沉没。

    Hurricane Ike had sunk at least 11 offshore platforms , according to the coast guard .

  14. 距离那里最近的配有应对泄漏事故所需设备的海岸警卫队(CoastGuard)工作站也远在1000多英里之外。

    The closest Coast Guard station with equipment for responding to a spill is more than 1000 miles away .

  15. AP报道,日本海岸警卫队正在搜寻一只被海啸卷走的船,船上有80人。

    Japan coast guard searching for another ship with 80 on board washed away by tsunami , AP snaps .

  16. 美国海岸警卫队正在检查SwiftEnergy公司的运营以保护井口,该井口所在的海湾位于路易斯安那州萨尔弗港西南部九公里的位置。

    The US coast guard is overseeing Swift Energy 's operation to secure its well head , located in a bay about nine miles southwest of Port Sulphur , Louisiana .

  17. 海岸警卫队海军上将ThadAllen正在监管政府对这次灾难做出的回应。

    Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen is overseeing the government 's response to the disaster .

  18. 现场高级官员,海岸警卫队海军少将MaryLandry表示,最初的评估仅仅是每天泄漏1000桶。

    The top official on scene , Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry , says the estimate was only 1000 barrels a day .

  19. 海岸警卫队和BP石油公司官员称他们认为泄漏目前没有扩散,最新的数据是由于对泄漏进行了更加详细的测量。

    Officials from the Coast Guard and British Petroleum ( BP ) say they do not think the leak has expanded , rather they say the new numbers are based on more detailed measurements of the leak .

  20. 美国海岸警卫队(CoastGuard)周三表示,仍在搜救墨西哥湾一处石油井架发生爆炸和火灾之后失踪的11人。这起事故已造成三人重伤。

    Blast Jolts Oil World The Coast Guard said Wednesday that it was still searching for 11 people missing after an explosion and fire at a oil-drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico that left three critically injured .

  21. 昨天,海岸警卫队表示,灭顶法正在按照计划如期进行。BP一名官员表示,目前为止整个程序比较成功,但是他说,该程序还需要24至48个小时的时间才能完成。

    Yesterday , the Coast Guard said the top kill process was going as planned . A BP official said it had been a success so far , but he also said it 'll take 24 to 48 hours to complete .

  22. 其中一次营救行动使法瓦中尉引起了教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)的注意。上个月,法瓦中尉作为受邀前往梵蒂冈的意大利海岸警卫队代表团的一份子,见到了教皇方济各。

    One such scene brought Lt Fava to the attention of Pope Francis , whom he met this month as part of a delegation of Italian coastguards invited to the Vatican .

  23. 为取得最有效的国家安全,把海岸警卫队转到国防部(DOD)下面是合适的。

    To achieve the most effective level of national security , a transfer of the Coast Guard to the Department of Defense ( DOD ) is in order .

  24. 美国海岸警卫队关闭了Natchez镇附近的河段。

    The US Coast Guard closed the stretch of the river near the town of Natchez .

  25. 一艘美国海岸警卫队破冰船上周从阿拉斯加海港启航,与一艘加拿大破冰船会合,对加拿大育空地区(Yukon)与阿拉斯加边境以北的波弗特(Beaufort)海床进行地震勘测。

    A United States coastguard icebreaker left port in Alaska last week to join a Canadian icebreaker to conduct a seismic survey of the Beaufort seabed north of the Yukon-Alaska border .

  26. 负责新奥尔良地区的海岸警卫队官员斯坦顿(EdwinStanton)说,在石油泄漏的第一个星期,政府管辖的工作人员就设置了数万英尺长的拦油栅。

    Edwin Stanton , the Coast Guard official in charge of the New Orleans region , says workers overseen by the government had laid tens of thousands of feet of boom the first week of the spill .

  27. 负责此次灾难响应的美国海岸警卫队海军上将泰德艾伦(thadallen)承认,联邦机构反应缓慢,但他表示,此次漏油出乎意料的分散性,妨碍了相关努力。

    Thad Allen , the Coast Guard Admiral in charge of the disaster response , admitted that federal agencies had been slow to react but said that the effort had been hampered by the unexpectedly dispersed nature of the spill .

  28. 每天有11000名海岸警卫队队员在面积两倍于意大利大陆的海域巡逻,安东内洛•法瓦中尉(LieutenantAntonelloFava)是其中之一,他说话时是军人典型的坚定而沉稳的语气。

    Lieutenant Antonello Fava , one of the 11000 coastguards who every day patrol an area of ocean twice as big as the mainland , speaks in the firm , measured tone you would expect from a military man .

  29. BAE系统公司(BAESystems)销售人员指出,长期以来日本一直是一个十分保守的客户,不太可能购买任何未在其他地方使用过的新型武器。这些销售人员希望能说服日本海岸警卫队购买一款40毫米口径的Mk4自动火炮。

    Salesmen at BAE Systems , hoping to convince Japan 's coastguard to buy a Mk4 automated 40mm cannon , noted the country has historically been a conservative customer and would be unlikely to buy any new weapon not already in use elsewhere .

  30. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)和防卫大臣森本敏(satoshimorimoto)上周分别在不同场合表示,如果海上冲突升级,超出了海岸警卫队的处理能力,日本将部署自卫队。

    Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and defense minister Satoshi Morimoto last week said on separate occasions that Japan could deploy its self-defense forces if maritime confrontations escalate beyond what could be handled by its coast guard .