
hǎi dǎo
  • island;island (in the sea)
海岛 [hǎi dǎo]
  • [island (in the sea)] 被海水环绕的小片陆地

海岛[hǎi dǎo]
  1. 渡船定时穿越狭窄的海峡驶向海岛。

    Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island .

  2. 谁能不为这个热带海岛的魅力而倾倒呢?

    Who could resist the seductions of the tropical island ?

  3. 我们在围绕这个海岛航行时发现了这个海滩。

    We discovered this beach while we were sailing around the island .

  4. 从这里可以看见那海岛。

    You can see the island from here .

  5. 小船漂浮到海岛的岸边。

    The boat drifted ashore on an island .

  6. 东海岛是广州湾的屏蔽。

    Donghai island provides a protective screen for Guangzhou bay .

  7. 我军一举歼灭了盘踞海岛的敌人。

    At one stroke our troops overcome the enemy entrenched on the island .

  8. 三亚有16个港口、10个海岛和180公里的海岸线

    Sanya has 16 seaports , 10 islands and 180km of coastline .

  9. 还有多少西方的海岛,歌都已使它们向阿波罗臣服

    Round many western islands have I been Which Bards in fealty to Apollo hold .

  10. 游艇在海岛周围转了转,早晨的阳光照在水面上,波光粼粼

    The barge chugs around an island , the morning sun now coruscating brilliantly off the water 's surface .

  11. 基于GIS的海岛地区生态环境敏感性评价&以嵊泗县为例

    Evaluation of Sea Island Environment Sensitivity with the Technology of GIS : A Case Study of Shengsi County

  12. P53、ER、PR在海岛妇女子宫内膜癌组织中的表达及意义

    Analysis of expressions of P53 , ER and PR in endometrial carcinoma in island women

  13. WLAN在海岛间的点对点远程链接的研究

    Research on Point-to-Point Remote Access of WLAN Between Islands

  14. 影响海岛法纺PET超细纤维剥离性的因素

    Analysis of the factors which have effect on the stripping performance of PET superfine fiber spun with islands-in-sea method

  15. 利用MODIS图像反演海岸与海岛的地物光谱反射率

    Retrieval of the Reflectance Along Coast Zone and Island with MODIS Image

  16. LIDAR技术在海岛礁、滩涂测绘中的应用

    Primary Study on the Application of LIDAR Technology in Surveying and Mapping of Island and Tidal Flat

  17. 格林纳维来到圣卢西亚正值2007年板球世界杯(2007CricketWorldCup)在6个加勒比海岛举行之际,这项赛事对当地的房地产销售商是一个巨大刺激。

    Greenaway 's arrival on St Lucia coincided with what was to have been a major spur to local property sellers , the 2007 Cricket World Cup held across six Caribbean islands .

  18. 在本研究中我们构建了基本覆盖整个发育期的海岛棉纤维(-2~25DPA)cDNA文库。

    In this study we constructed a normalized fiber cDNA library ( from - 2 to 25 DPA ) of G. barbadense cv .

  19. 结果表明,粉末改性SBR对SAN有显著的增韧作用,两者部分相容并形成“海岛”型结构。

    The results show that PMSBR is a good toughening agent for SAN , it is compatible with SAN partially and sea_island structures are formed .

  20. 本文研究了J-N增韧剂在环氧树脂浇铸体系中的增韧效果,指出J-N增韧剂增韧的环氧树脂固化物呈互穿网络的海岛结构,浇铸材料的断裂韧性得到明显改善。

    The toughening modified result of epoxy resin casting compound using J-N as toughening agent was reported . The sea-island IPN structure in this complex was pointed out and breaking strength and toughness was increased obviously .

  21. 采用加性-显性的遗传模型,研究海岛棉11个亲本和30个F1杂交组合8个产量性状的各项遗传方差分量和遗传相关。

    This article analysed the relation of every genetic variances and heredity of 8 yielding characters of 11 parents and 30 F_1 generation hybrid combinations of sea island cotton .

  22. 在BigMajorCay海湾的这个无人居住的加勒比海岛上,生活着这么一大家子的猪,它们似乎成为了某种旅游景点,每年都有上千人来和他们一起游泳。

    The large family of pigs are something of a tourist attraction on the uninhabited Caribbean island of Big Major Cay , which hundreds of people visit every year to take a dip with the animals .

  23. SPOT-5多光谱数据具备了提取小型海岛植被信息、掌握其植被覆盖状况的能力;

    SPOT-5 multi-spectral image has an ability to distinguish vegetation from other objects and to learn its spatial information ;

  24. 阐述了WLAN在海岛之间的点对点远程链接,分析了WLAN采用DSSS的抗多径干扰,研究了由于暴雨产生降雨衰耗,链路应有的功率预留量。

    Point-to-point remote access of WLAN between islands is elaborated . Signal attenuation during rainfall and the respective path reserved power is thoroughly studied . Application of DSSS in WLAN in preventing multi-path interference is also analyzed .

  25. 但在条件艰苦的高山、沙漠、海岛等不适宜有人值守的地区,就需要大量采用自动采集、无线传输(GPRS、卫星通信)的自动气象站。

    However , in harsh conditions of the mountains , deserts , islands and other areas not suitable for someone on duty , we need a large number of automatic collection , wireless transmission ( GPRS , satellite communications ) and automatic weather station .

  26. 青岛市崂山区海岛资源的持续利用

    Sustained Utilization of Island Resource in the Laoshan District of Qingdao

  27. 平潭海岛旅游资源开发利用

    On exploitation and utilization of island tourist resources in Pingtan County

  28. 海岛大学生课外体育活动行为特征的调查研究与对策

    Research on Behavior Characteristic of Extracurricular Sports Activities of Island Undergraduates

  29. 舟山海岛旅游环境可持续发展初步研究

    Preliminary study on sustainable development of the Zhoushan island tourist environment

  30. 浙江省海岛沿岸水域微生物生态分布

    Ecological distribution of microbe in the coastal waters around Zhejiang Islands