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  • submarine cable
  1. 加拿大本土至温哥华岛500kV交流海底电缆工程

    500 kV AC Submarine Cable Link from Mainland Canada to Vancouver Island

  2. 海底电缆敷设后的试验和注意要点

    The Test and Key Point for Attention after Submarine Cable Laying

  3. 这给电信公司提供了如何保护海底电缆的新思路。

    And this gives telecoms companies fresh ideas on how to protect submarine cables .

  4. 基于GPS的海底电缆二次定位测量系统

    Survey system based on GPS for ocean bottom cable second positioning

  5. 很多地方安装的海底电缆都不再把美国作为“Internet中心”。

    The submarine cables installed in many places have changed the status of US as the " Internet hub " .

  6. 同时,第二艘FLAG公司的维修船继续在对两根于一月三十日切断的海底电缆进行维修。

    Meanwhile , a second FLAG repair ship continued work on two undersea cables that were cut Jan.30 .

  7. 弹性杆是一种广泛应用的工程模型,许多科学和工程系统,像海底电缆、纤维、DNA大分子等都可以模型化为弹性杆讨论。

    An elastic rod is an important model widely used in Science and Engineer studies . Many systems , such as undersea cabals , fibers and DNA , can be modeled as elastic rods .

  8. 110kV光纤复合海底电缆光纤单元的设计及应用

    Design and Application of the Fiber Unit in 110 kV Composite Submarine Cables with Optic Fiber

  9. 超高压直流输电(HVDC)是近年来发展起来的一项新的输电技术,主要应用于远距离大容量输电、电力系统联网、海底电缆或大城市地下电缆送电。

    HVDC is a new type of power transmission technology developing rapidly in recent years , mainly applied to faraway and high capacity power transmission , power system networking and submarine or underground cable power transmission .

  10. 海底电缆连接陆地设备的接头处。

    The point where a marine cable connects to terrestrial facilities .

  11. 一条电话海底电缆横穿英吉利海峡。

    A telephone submarine cable is laid across the English Channel .

  12. 海底电缆在设计图纸审查和敷设施工过程中的质量控制

    Quality Control in Drawing Review and Laying Work of Submarine Cables

  13. 海洋石油物探新技术&海底电缆系统

    The Ocean Bottom Cable System - A New Marine Geophysical Technology

  14. 电缆敷设船海底电缆敷设船这艘船在风暴中损失了大部分帆篷缆索。

    The ship lost most of her rigging in the storm .

  15. 该技术已经成为海底电缆勘探的标准。

    The technique has already become the criterion of OBC exploration .

  16. 这些公司表示,这条海底电缆将在2010年投入使用。

    They say it will be ready for use by 2010 .

  17. 英国至荷兰铺设了新的海底电缆。

    A new submarine cable was laid between England and Holland .

  18. 铺缆船是用于铺设或维修海底电缆和电缆的专用工程船。

    Cable laying vessel is used to lay or repair underwater cables .

  19. 文章提出了海底电缆二次定位的一种新方法。

    A method for second positioning of ocean bottom cable is demonstrated .

  20. 拖曳式海底电缆埋设系统作业监测与导航

    Monitor and navigation for the towed underwater cable burying system

  21. 第三则是关于建造海底电缆隧道。

    The third one was about building submarine cable tunnel .

  22. GB17502-1998海底电缆管道路由勘察规范横贯大西洋的通讯海底电缆

    Specifications for submarine cable and pipeline route investigation cable across North Atlantic

  23. 大西洋海底电缆多年来使用情形良好。

    The Atlantic cable has worked well for many years .

  24. 海湾国家光纤海底电缆

    Hybrid fiber coax fibre optic submarine cable for Gulf States

  25. 海底电缆地震采集系统的施工方法及优势

    The construction method and advantage of ocean bay cable seismic acquisition system

  26. 传递可通过海底电缆,无线电波和通信卫星来进行。

    Transmission can be done by cable , radio frequency and satellite .

  27. 发电机产生的电力将通过海底电缆输送到海岸。

    The electricity produced is then sent to shore through a subsea cable .

  28. 海底电缆水下声波二次定位成果质量分析

    Quality Analysis for the Bottom Cable Acoustic Positioning Result

  29. 岛屿发展、海洋开发对海底电缆的需求巨大,而目前国内能生产海底电缆的厂家较少,主要依赖进口。

    There will be an enormous demand of submarine cable for the development .

  30. 胜利油田海底电缆敷设工程安全对策浅谈

    Brief Discussion about Safety Measures of Submarine Cable Laying in Shengli Oil Field