
  • 网络environmental cost;environment fee
  1. 沿海农业区施用农药的环境费用分析及管理对策

    Environmental Cost Analysis and Management Countermeasures of Pesticide Application in Coastal Agricultural Region

  2. 然而在拟建煤炭项目的可行性研究中,过于注重项目本身的经济效益,而忽略了项目开发环境影响的外部不经济性,即忽略了项目外部的环境费用(社会为项目支付的环境代价)。

    But in the feasible research reports of the planning coal projects , overly pay attention to the economic benefits , neglect external negative economy of environmental impact , namely neglects external environmental cost ( the environmental cost which the society pays for the project ) .

  3. 广州市锅炉烟气脱硫环境费用效益的分析

    Basic Analysis of Environmental Cost-benefit of Flue Gas Desulfurization in Guangzhou

  4. 综合环境费用的概念与计算方法研究

    Study on the Concept and Calculating Methods of Comprehensive Environment Fee

  5. 环境费用效益分析及其应用

    Environmental Outlay-efficiency Analysis and It 's Application

  6. 本文认为,评价工业企业经济效益时,应考虑环境费用。

    One must consider the environmental expenses while evaluation the economic benefits of industrial enterprise .

  7. 在涉及污染与健康的环境费用效益分析中,社会必须权衡经济收入与生命价值。

    Where pollution and health are involved in a Benefit-Cost Analysis , a tradeoff must be made between economic costs and the value of a life .

  8. 其次,建立了具有最小的生产成本、最少的要素占用以及最低的环境费用等多目标规划模型;

    Then , the paper builds up a multiple criteria optimal model with the least production cost , the lowest factor occupancy and the least environmental expenditure .

  9. 本文针对环境费用与环境收益提出了新的计量方法&模糊识别与模糊聚类法,即在判别环境升降级的基础上,对费用和收益要素进行计量,以期为环境会计的发展提供参考。

    This paper introduces a new measure method-vague discern and sort which make a measure based on the grade of the environment , in order to provide reference for accounting development .

  10. 选择濒临同安湾的厦门同安区为案例研究区,以1999年7月至2000年6月为研究年限,对该地区施用农药的环境费用加以货币化评估。

    Tongan District in Xiamen was chosen as the study area which borders on Tongan Bay . The environmental costs incurred by applying pesticides in Tongan District from July 1999 to June 2000 are evaluated .

  11. 经济手段即通过收费、补贴、税收等,改变人们的相关环境费用和效益,使外部环境成本内在化,激励人们保护环境和资源。

    The economic tools are to change people 's relevant environment expenses and effects and to internalize the outside environment cost , by ways like charging fees , subsidizing or levying taxes , so as to encourage people to protect the environment .

  12. 水环境治理费用模型的优化&拉格朗日乘子法则应用

    Cost Model Optimization of Water Environmental Treatment Engineering & by application of Lagrangian

  13. 拟建工程的工程环境系统费用效益分析方法初探

    A preliminary study on an analytical method of the cost benefit of the engineering environmental system of planned engineering

  14. 这笔资金将用于支付墨西哥湾海岸居民提出的经济损害赔偿要求,并支付环境清理费用。原油泄漏事件严重破坏了墨西哥湾海岸居民的生计。

    The funds will be used to pay claims for economic damages from Gulf Coast locals whose livelihoods have been devastated by the spill , and to pay for the environmental clean-up .

  15. 将冶锌工业废渣的排放量减少关%以匕需要无害化处理的残渣(主要是泥砂)仅占原锌渣的7%,显著地降低了企业用于环境治理费用。

    The quantity of residual residues was decreased over 93 % and the remainder , which is only 7 % of original zinc residues , was mostly mud and sand which need be innocuously disposed . So the disposal cost of environment was evidently reduced .

  16. 以燃煤锅炉掺烧固硫除尘脱硫及其废水回用系统为研究对象,利用环境系统费用效益分析方法,分析了该系统的环保投入和取得的环境效益。

    A method of cost benefit analysis was applied to analyse the cost and benefit of environmental protection system in which processes and facilities concerning sulfur fixation in the coal fired boilers , wet type dust removal and flue gas desulfurization , and the wastewater enclosed reusing were constructed .

  17. Internet代理服务器实现软件很多,但大都是基于windows环境,总体费用较高且安全性和稳定性不强。

    A lot of software has been used as internet proxy server , but most of them are based on the Win-dows environment . The whole expense is high , the safety and stability is good .

  18. 我们开发了JBossON平台以提高IT操作人员的效率并降低管理JBoss中间件环境的总费用,同时为最终用户提供更高的价值。

    We developed the JBoss ON platform to improve efficiency for IT Operations staff while reducing the total cost of managing JBoss middleware environments and driving higher value for end-users .

  19. 城市生活垃圾处置中环境外部性费用的估算研究

    Study on Environmental Externality Expenses of Municipal Solid Waste

  20. 水环境保护效益费用分析

    Analysis of Benefit and Cost of Water Environment Protection

  21. 水环境治理工程费用优化模型

    Optimum Cost Model for Environmental Water Treatment Engineering

  22. 水利电力工程环境影响的费用效益分析

    Analysis of cost and benefit in environmental impact assessment of water conservancy and hydroelectric station projects

  23. 环境保护项目费用效益评价方法

    Cost-benefit Analysis for Environment Project

  24. 最后,探讨了高速公路路网中计算机收费网络的建立以及在此环境下通行费用拆分的流程。

    Finally , the establishment of toll networks in expressway networks and the flow how to liquidate the tolls are discussed .

  25. 但是在传统的管理会计中并不能清楚的分辨出环境方面的费用,在这种形势下,环境管理会计随之产生并得到了较快的发展。

    However , traditional management accounting does not clearly identify the environmental costs , under this situation , environmental management accounting developed rapidly .

  26. 这些服务包括优化现场的能源,环境卫生处理费用,全面的用水管理程序。

    The services we provide include the optimization of on-site energy consumption , sanitation and disposal costs and a comprehensive water management program .

  27. 另外,针对移动环境网络流量费用高的情况,对名片社区系统中名片数据传输格式和若干模块进行了优化。

    In addition , for the mobile environment , the high cost of network traffic situation , optimize the transmission data format and some modules of system .

  28. 以岳阳南湖旅游度假区为实例,探讨了旅游度假区环境影响的费用效益分析方法。

    Taking Yueyang South Lake as example to inquire the analytical method of cost and benefit of environmental impact on tourism and holiday development zone ( THDZ ) .

  29. 川东北天然气项目环境监理作业费用采用每小时费率报价方式,再根据公司工作订单确定最终费用。

    The environmental supervision fee for Northeast Sichuan natural gas project adopts the hourly rate quotation method and is ultimately determined according to the work order of the company .

  30. 在此基础上,将环境风险总费用定义为风险实际期望损失、人群心理损失和风险控制费用三部分的总和,并根据系统效益最大化原则,提出了风险控制水平的优化理论。

    And , then , we have put forward the theory on optimizing the control level of the Regional Environmental Risk in accordance with the principle of the maximization of system benefits .