
  • 网络environmental data;cespn.net
  1. 根据给定的平台所属的海域的环境资料,通过风洞模型测力试验,及用FLUENT软件对平台结构进行数值模拟,分析了在自存状态下,平台水平及倾斜时的风载荷。

    According to the specified environmental data of platform , the wind loads to both flat and aslant platform are studied by wind tunnel test and numerical simulation to the structure of platform using FLUENT .

  2. 浮式生产储油船设计环境资料分析

    Analysis of environmental data at operative sea area for a FPSO

  3. 这样的“全球化环境资料”理所当然会找到自己不断壮大的全球市场。

    Such globalised environmental data will surely find a growing global market .

  4. 环境资料的公布:公司报告做法的国际调查

    Environmental disclosures : international survey of corporate reporting practices

  5. 1990年代环境资料交流问题世界会议

    World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s

  6. 欧洲环境资料和观察网

    European Environment Information and Observation Network

  7. 各国政府是如何强调应通过公共信息中心帮助获得环境资料的?

    How much emphasis does your Government place on facilitating access to environmental information via public information centres ?

  8. 计画的目的在于发展一个可靠且稳固的登山系统,利用它可以有效率的观测环境资料与追踪登山客的行走路径。

    The objective of YushanNet is to investigate a reliable and robust system that can effectively monitor the environment and assist the tracking of the tourists in Yushan National Park .

  9. 优度估计。对品种×环境资料算出的品种总优势度,定义为通过全部试点中平均的品种响应值与最大响应值间的距离均方。

    A measure of cultivar general superiority for cultivar × environmentdata is defined as the distance mean square between the cultivar 's response and the maximum response aver-aged over all locations .

  10. 利用1991~1993年在新疆阜康县不同草地类型上观测到的牧草产量、环境资料与地面光谱、气象卫星资料等,进行了多重相关分析。

    Using the herbage yields , environment , spectral and synchronous NOAA / AVHRR Data observed in 1991-1993 in different grassland types in Fukang county , Xinjiang , the correlation analysis were made in the paper .

  11. 以小型和乡镇企业分布为主的区域其特点是企业环保投资少,环境资料缺乏,环境意识薄弱,区域整体环境状况较差。

    The region , intensively distributed with small and town owned enterprises , has such characteristics : little environment protection investment in enterprise , shortage of environmental information , weak awareness of environment , bad regional integrate environment situation .

  12. 本试验在大量收集鄂西南生态环境资料的基础上,提出鄂西南烤烟产区烤烟开片受海拔施肥等因素的影响。

    The experiment on the basis of collecting massive ecological environment data in southwestern Hubei province , it was proposed that the expanding of flue-cured tobacco was influenced by the factors , such as altitudes , etc. in southwestern Hubei .

  13. 第三,查阅大量环境资料,整理分析春晓气田输送开发工程附近海域的环境质量、生物生态、自然地理现状,在掌握大量调查数据的基础上,进行数值评估;

    Numerical assessment based on the profound data achieved through extensive reference from environment data , and through arrangement and analysis of the environment quality , bio-ecology , and natural geography around the area of Chunxiao Gas Development and Transmission Program ;

  14. 通过月球探测车在月球表面的探测活动,人们可以获取月球表面的环境资料,收集月球表面的岩石和土壤标本,为载人登月打下基础,并为月球基地的建立提供技术保障。

    Not only the environment materials of lunar surface can be achieved but also the rocks and soil samples are collected through the exploration , which is ready for the manned lunar expedition and can provide technology support for the base of the moon .

  15. 认为对环境资料,如何进行更好地统计分析还须作更多的探讨,标准差比数(a1)作为产量稳定性参数,更为简便、直观。

    The question of how to analyse environmental data has not yet been properly addressed and more research is needed with an attempt to find a solution to this statistical problem . The standard deviation ratio ( a_1 ) is more convenient and more audio-visual as a yield stability parameter .

  16. 在分析归类网上检索工具的基础上,介绍了如何从Internet网络上检索环境信息资料,并给出了一些有用的网址。

    Based on the analysis and classification of searching tools of Internet , how to search the environmental information from Internet was presented , and some useful net-sites were given out .

  17. 宋画中反映的宋代建筑及其环境的资料非常丰富、全面。

    The architectures and architectural circumstances have been reflected in the paintings of Song Dynasty extremely rich .

  18. 网络环境下资料室信息服务个性化体系的构建

    On the Construction of the Individualized Information Service System of the Reference Room in the Network Environment

  19. 选用武汉市大气环境监测资料,应用该方法评价和分析武汉市大气环境质量,取得了令人满意的结果。

    The method is successfully applied in the atmospheric environmental quality assessment of the city of Wuhan .

  20. 方法以查阅病历、访谈和实地观察跌倒环境获取资料,回顾分析1995~2004年在住院期间发生跌倒的老年人共40例。

    Methods 40 senile inpatients who occurred tumble in 1995 ~ 2004 were investigated respectively by reading medical records , interview and on-the-spot observation .

  21. 根据2003年朝阳市大气环境监测资料,分析了朝阳地区大气污染的时间变化特征。

    The dynamics of air pollution in Chaoyang during recent years was analyzed , in terms of atmospheric environmental monitoring data in the year of2003 .

  22. 监测海洋渔业环境的资料浮标,是一种现代化的海洋监测工具。

    Data buoys used to monitor the fisheries environment is a modern tool which can provide timely , reliable data for the offshore fishery resources .

  23. 第三部分,根据历年环境监测资料对芜湖市城市边缘区的大气、水、土壤和噪声环境进行评价。

    Using previous references of environmental monitoring , part 3 estimates the environmental quality of atmosphere , water , soil and noise in the fringe of Wuhu City .

  24. 使公众理解环境噪音资料,从而持续参与环境影响评估(环评)的过程,对一个环评的成功是非常重要的。

    To enhance the public understanding of environmental noise information and then the continuous public involvement are critical elements for a successful Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) Process .

  25. 在大量边坡工程实践的基础上,广泛收集有关地形、地质及环境背景资料,以全风化花岗岩路堑边坡工程为研究对象,对其进行岩土工程模式研究和分类。

    Based on abundance of slope information about topography , geology and environment , the geotechnical engineering mode is set up and classified for weathered granite cut slope engineering .

  26. 文摘:本文剖析了当前高校院系资料室现状,探讨了基于网络环境下资料室的信息服务变革趋势。

    Abstract : this article discusses the present situation of book and information centers at colleges and deals with some reformative tendency for information service mode in the campus network environment .

  27. 根据2001-2002水文年115条环太湖河道的同步环境监测资料,对水量及污染物通量进行了估算。

    Based on the synchronous environmental monitoring of 115 surrounding rivers of the Lake Taihu during the hydrological year of 2001-2002 , the water quantity and pollutant fluxes of these rivers were analyzed .

  28. 利用2002&2006年石家庄市逐时气象资料和环境监测资料,分析了8次典型沙尘天气对空气污染的影响。

    Based on hourly meteorological and environmental monitoring data from 2002 to 2006 in shijiazhuang , the effects of sandy weather on air pollution were analyzed with 8 typical cases of sandy weather .

  29. 方法通过中国疾病监测系统收集145个监测点1991-1999年女性乳腺癌、卵巢癌、男性前列腺癌以及睾丸癌的死亡资料,同时收集对应监测点的环境监测资料和地理面积资料。

    Methods Surveillance mortality data of female 's breast cancer , ovary tumor , prostate tumor and testicular cancer from 1991 to 1999 on 145 surveillance spots were collected through Chinese disease surveillance system .

  30. 本文利用1998年4月和8月据湄湾环境调查资料,分析了牡蛎体重金属和石油烃的含量及分布。

    Besed on the environmental investigated data from the Meizhou Bay of Fujian Province in April and August 1998 . the concentrations and distributions of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbon in the oysters were analyzed .