
  • 网络modern market economy
  1. 独立董事(IndependentDirector)作为公司利益的保护者,在现代市场经济中发挥着越来越来重要的作用。

    As the protector of the interest of the company , the independent director plays a more and more important role in the modern market economy .

  2. 诚信:现代市场经济有效运行的道德基础

    Honesty : Moral Basis of Effective Performance in Modern Market Economy

  3. 二是引入税收博弈的概念,提出在现代市场经济条件下政府与纳税人在税收问题上的利益取向存在差别,形成了政府与纳税人之间的有关税收征纳的税收博弈;

    There exists the tax revenue game between government and taxpayers .

  4. 规范信用秩序与构建现代市场经济

    Regulating the Credit Order and Constructing the Modern Market Economy

  5. 儒家伦理与现代市场经济

    The Relationship Between the Confucian Ethics and Modern Market Economy

  6. 核心城市群在现代市场经济中居于主导和领军地位。

    Core city group plays a leading role in modern market economy .

  7. 论现代市场经济与人的素质的关系

    On the Relationship between the Modern Market Economy and People 's Quality

  8. 信用是现代市场经济的灵魂和基础。

    Credit is the basis and soul of the modern market economy .

  9. 构建现代市场经济秩序依赖健全的企业伦理行为。必须科学界定我国现阶段企业伦理行为结构以及选择、塑造方式。

    Making up modern enterprise depends on wholesome ethic action of enterprise .

  10. 现代市场经济大潮的涌动,波及到社会的每个角落。

    The tide of modern marketing economy affects every aspect of society .

  11. 信用是现代市场经济的生命,但信用缺失是我国当前经济生活中一个不争的现实。

    Credit is the life of modern market oriented economy .

  12. 政府规制是现代市场经济不可或缺的制度安排。

    Government regulation is the indispensable arrangement of the modern market economy .

  13. 现代市场经济实际上是一种混合经济体制。

    Modern market economy is a mixed economy system .

  14. 中国近代早期资产阶级经济伦理与现代市场经济

    The Economic Ethics of the Earlier Bourgeois in China and Modern Marketing Economy

  15. 浅析现代市场经济中的义与利

    Briefly on Righteousness and Profit in Modern Market Economy

  16. 公司是现代市场经济的基础。

    Company is the foundation of modem market economy .

  17. 现代市场经济离不开宏观经济政策协同配合的调节作用。

    Modern market economy needs adjustment function of macro - economy policies cooperation .

  18. 在我国经济体制改革过程中,特别是我国走上市场经济轨道之后,政府越来越多地利用国债调控宏观经济,反映了现代市场经济运行规律的客观要求。

    This reflects the objective requirements of the rules of modern market economy .

  19. 现代市场经济体制下的公共财政特征

    Characteristics of Public Finance in a Modern Market Economy

  20. 政府在现代市场经济中的职能

    Analyzing the government function in the modern market economy

  21. 现代市场经济的发展,迫切需要商法的独立。

    The modern market economy , the urgent need of independent commercial law .

  22. 中小企业是现代市场经济中,最具活力的组成部分。

    SME is the most vigorous integral part in the modern market economy .

  23. 没有发达的交通基础设施就不可能有现代市场经济。

    Without developed transport infrastructure , a modern market economy would not exist .

  24. 在现代市场经济中,制度信任是最为关键的。

    In modern market economy , it is most important to establish institution-trust .

  25. 本文研究的是现代市场经济中的企业内的权力关系现象。

    This dissertation studies the phenomenon of the power relationship within the firm .

  26. 简论现代市场经济运行的调节机制

    Comments on Regulation System of Current Market Economic Circulation

  27. 产权、信用与现代市场经济

    Property right , credit and modern market economy

  28. 现代市场经济在一定意义上是诚信经济。

    To some extent , modern market economy is the economy of good faith .

  29. 论现代市场经济对所有制的选择

    Market - Oriented Economy and System of Ownership

  30. 论现代市场经济的系统结构

    On the System Structure of Modern Market Economy