
His axiological thought is the logical outspread of modernity theory .
This essay is to present an systematic interpretation of Giddens'modernity theory .
Lin Yu-tang and Theories on Modern Chinese Prose Modernity
Critical Dimensions in Theories of Modernity and Their Problems
From this point of view , simulacrum is also a theory with modernity .
We can find profound anti-modernity in his poems through the theory of modernity .
Modern theory has an important significance to deeply understand political civilization of socialism .
Modernity theory has opened a new approach to the study of early modern poetry .
The civil society is an important basis on which Marx developed his theory of modernity .
The paper uses the modern theory first put forward the Mongolian " New Woman " construct .
The approach to this paper is to apply the theory of modernity to the " Root-seeking " literature .
Redefining the literary trends from the theory of the Modernity , including the Enlightenment is the premise for studying Chinese literary history .
It will , therefore , finally spread unfolds itself across the three layer , i.e.literary theory , literary history and literary criticism .
Through studying the history of western modernity theory , we can find some help in reflecting the problem of modernity in China .
Industrialization theory , late modernity theory , theories of alternative affect distance and learner in independence and instructive conversation theory were discussed .
The theory of modernity has promoted the rewriting of Chinese literary history and the study of Chinese literary trends in the 20th century .
The theory of Modernity discovers the nature of the literary trends , which has its special historical definition as the literary responses to the Modernity .
This thesis aims to make an analysis of the modernity issue concerning the poems by Huang and at the same time attempts to deepen the study of modernity theory itself .
In the observation of the spirit of universities from the angle of theories on modernity , our efforts should be focused on such aspects as individuality , academic nature and responsibility .
At the end of twenty century , the study of the history of Chinese modern literary get a new eyeshot , get a lot of new conclusion . It make a big progress .
The theory of modernity has been one focus in the studies of Chinese thoughts and culture since the 1980s . It also leads to the transformation from the revolutionary-political discourse to the modern-cultural discourse .
From the viewpoint of the theory of Modernity , The history of Chinese philosophy , emerges from its reaction to the question of Modernity under the background of the disintegration of Chinese ancient world .
Anthony Giddens , one of the most famous social theorists in the world today , his modernity theroy with a strong flavor of realism makes him a unique social theorist in the circle of contemporary social theory .
Although the modern theory should not be the lack of reflection and criticism , but it should be a highly motivated , joy , full of life the sun rays to shine , full of deep humanistic concern .
There are more than 60 years history and many schools of modernization research , such as classical modernization theory , post-modernization theory , ecological modernization theory , reflexive modernization theory , multiple modernities theory , second modernization theory and so on .
This paper studies and develops from the following four aspects : Firstly , from macro-perspective point of view of modernity theory , the bottom society is lacking of the resources and opportunities to express itself in the context of Chinese traditional culture .
The 3 ~ ( th ) to 5 ~ ( th ) chapter puts forward three themes and unscrambles the text by referring the theory viewpoint about self in the modernity theory and combining with the theme tendency reflected by narrative of modern female .
Martin Buber has introduced a theory of modernity on the basis of the conception of inter-subjectivity to distinguish the dimensions of I-It relationship and I-Thou relationship , the practical level and the conceptual level , and dialogue and monologue in the field of modernity .
Within the framework of modernity and with the core concept of binary opposition , slave masters manipulate language mechanism to exclude and deny slaves in their discourses . Thus , the former enslaved blacks can neither speak out their painful past nor constitute their subjectivity .
Finally , the thesis focuses on the topic of modernization of judicature in China , starting with the theory of reflective modernity , elaborates the reflection and major reflection points of judicial modernization in China and points out clearly the future target of judicial modernization in China .