
  • 网络modern medicine
  1. 这次尝试可能是现代医药的一次令人印象深刻的壮举:科学家希望利用CRISPR基因编辑的魔力来恢复遗传性失明(又被称为莱伯士先天性黑朦)的人的视力。

    The first trial could be an impressive feat of modern medicine : Scientists hope to use CRISPR 's gene-editing magic to restore sight to people with an inherited form of blindness called Leber congenital amaurosis .

  2. 影、电视、现代医药以及种种生活便利设施的。

    TV , modern medicine and all the other things that make life a lot easier .

  3. 中国在现代医药以及传统医药方面都有很大的市场空间,并且在低成本原料药(activepharmaceuticalingredients)的全球生产与销售中变得越来越重要。原料药是用于药品生产的原材料。

    China has a large market for modern as well as traditional medicine , and has become increasingly important in the production and sale globally of low-cost active pharmaceutical ingredients , or the raw materials used in medicines produced elsewhere .

  4. 第四部分对OTC药品分销通路的发展趋势进行分析,并提出从DFC分销模式探索、现代医药物流体系的建设和经营手段现代化的加强等三方面应采取的对策与措施。

    The forth part probes into the developing trend of OTC distribution channel and put forwards the final measurements on the basis of the DFC mode , building of modern pharmacy flow system , and modern marketing methods .

  5. 现代医药洁净厂房的建筑设计探讨&记上海格罗利药厂

    Study on Architectural Design of the Modern Clean-building for Pharmacy

  6. 浅谈现代医药物流背景下药品经营监管的几个问题

    Discussion on Administration of Pharmaceutical Distribution under Modern Pharmaceutical Logistics

  7. 那么,这对现代医药有什么贡献呢?

    So , what does this have to do with modern day medicine ?

  8. 资源外取:现代医药企业经营的新理念

    Obtaining Outside Resources Strategy : New Theory of Management for Modern Pharmaceutical Enterprises

  9. GMP&现代医药生产管理的准则

    GMP & Rule of Administer In Modern Drug Production

  10. 仿生化学可以为现代医药技术提供最佳的设计原理。

    Biomimetic chemistry could supply the best designing principle for developing modern medical technologies .

  11. 现代医药物流开始迅速崛起,外资企业尝试进入中国药品分销市场。

    Modern pharmaceutical logistics has developed rapidly . Foreign investments entered into Chinese pharmaceutical distribution market discreetly .

  12. 台湾的现代医药卫生(下)

    Modern Medicine in Taiwan (ⅱ)

  13. 近年来,由于药物缓释技术在现代医药中具重要作用,其应用越来越广泛。

    Recently , drug slow releasing technology has become to be a important role in the modern medicine .

  14. 通常美国人每年都要支付2000美元的健康保险费,用这笔钱来支付现代医药界所创造出的一些奇迹。

    Health insurance that pays for modern medical miracles often costs Americans as much as $ 2,000 every year .

  15. 通常美国人每年都要支付2000美元的健康保险费,用这笔钱来支付现代医药界所创造出的一些奇迹。全方位的投保太费钱了。

    Health insurance that pays for modern medical miracles often costs Americans as much as $ 2000 every year .

  16. 随着现代医药领域竞争的加剧,现行的药学专业教学模式暴露出一些与其不适应的问题。

    With the intensification of competition in modern medicine field , some issues appear in current teaching model of pharmacy .

  17. 微生物转化技术在现代医药工业中的应用论我国当代药业道德思想的形成

    Application of microbial transformation in modern pharmaceutical industry On the Development of the Modern Ethics of Pharmaceutical Industry in china

  18. 论特色优势产业发展模式的转换&以云南省天然药物为主的现代医药业为例

    The Conversion of the Developmental Mode of Industries with Unique Advantages & the Case of Modern Medical Industry Based on Natural Medicine Resources in Yunnan

  19. 甾体类化合物广泛分布于自然界中,并参与许多生命过程,在现代医药领域内扮演着重要的角色。

    Steroidal compounds which are widely distributed in natural and closely related to life processes play an important role in the field of modern medicine .

  20. 多亏现代医药,它并不像曾经那样像个杀手般肆虐猖狂,许多人可以活到60多岁。

    Thanks to modern medicine , it isn 't the killer that it once was , with many people making it to their 60s and beyond .

  21. 本文主要介绍现代医药冻干机瓶装药物加塞系统控制的主要结构与工作原理。

    The main purpose of the thesis is to introduce the primary mechanism and principle of the adding stopper system of modem freeze-drying machine for medicine .

  22. 实施供应链管理环境下的库存管理研究是现代医药企业打造核心竞争力的重要手段。

    The research of implementation of inventory with the background of supply chain management is an important mean for modern pharmaceutical enterprises to create core competitiveness .

  23. 医药产业始终在实践中发展,较之传统医药主要依靠言传身教,口耳相传相比,现代医药科学的发展则更加注重理性的研究和严谨的实验。

    Compared with the traditional medicine which relied mainly on word and deed , pharmaceutical industry has developed in practice which emphasized on rational and rigorous experiment .

  24. 因此,以全球医药领先企业为对照,研究适合以太极集团为代表的中国现代医药企业的技术创新战略具有非常深远的意义。

    It is quite clear that the technology renovation strategy modes of leading pharmaceutical corporations in China should be different with those of global top pharmaceutical corporations .

  25. 随着分子生物学技术和现代医药技术的发展,有关肿瘤细胞多药耐药逆转的研究也取得了一定的进展。

    Along with the development of molecular biology technology and modern medicinal technology , the investigation on reversal of MDR of tumor cells have got some progressions .

  26. 偏方通常是一种在传统医药中常见的植物治疗形式,这些传统医药是在现代医药服务和科技出现之前发展起来的。

    A folk remedy is usually a plant-based form of treatment common to traditional forms of medicine , ones that developed before the advent of modern medical services and technology .

  27. 事实上,这种恶心的小虫子对细菌的抵抗力远远强于某些现代医药,跟它们比起来,“处方药简直就像是糖丸”。

    In fact , the antibacterial properties of these disgusting insects are far more effective than some of our modern medicine that they make " prescription drugs look like sugar pills . "

  28. 这种变化在医药产业内的具体表现为:随着以生物医药产业为代表的现代医药产业的普遍兴起和发展,生物医药产业在整个医药产业体系中的地位显著提升。

    In the medicine industry , it is clearly showed by the emergency and development of modern pharmacy industry and the markedly improved role of the bio-pharmacy industry in the whole medicine industry .

  29. 形成了软件及高端信息制造、绿色能源、先进制造业、生物技术和现代医药、现代服务业等五个具有较强竞争力的优势主导产业。

    Form of software and high level information processing , green energy , advanced manufacturing , biotechnology and modern medicine , modern service industry such as the five strong competitive advantage leading industries .

  30. 随着医药企业经营规模的不断扩大,企业的业务量成倍增长,管理客户量不断增加,传统的客户管理模式已经远远不能适应建立现代医药企业的需要。

    With the continuous expansion of pharmaceutical enterprise s ' operation scale , enterprises ' business amount increase doubly , therefore traditional customer management mode is not suitable to build modern pharmaceutical enterprise .