
  • 网络Modernist poetry
  1. 现代派诗歌偏离的限度&由美国现代派激进诗人E.E.肯明斯引发的思考

    Limits of Deviation in Modernist Poetry : An Exploration Inspired by American Modernist Poet E. E. Cummings

  2. 艾略特(1888&1965)最具有代表性的诗歌,代表了英美现代派诗歌艺术的最高成就。

    Eliot ( 1888-1965 ), marked the consummate artistry of Anglo-American modernist poetry .

  3. 美国19世纪女诗人艾米莉·狄金森(EmilyDickinson,1830-1886)是美国文学史上最负盛名的一位女诗人,英美现代派诗歌的先驱。

    Between the Poets from Zhejiang and Modern Chinese Poetry Trend of Modernism Emily Dickinson ( 1830-1886 ) is one of the most outstanding poets in American of the 19 ~ ( th ) century .

  4. 范畴论认为现代派诗歌的审美特质是古典意境与现代意识的统一,现代派诗美范畴是病态美与朦胧美;

    Modern poetry rang includes the morbid aesthetics and obscurity aesthetics .

  5. 20世纪30年代现代派诗歌艺术风格新探

    New Probe into the 1930 's Artistic Style of Contemporary Peoms

  6. 20世纪30年代的现代派诗歌与中国传统诗歌主流有着深刻的联系。

    Modern poetry in 1930s was closely connected with Chinese traditional poetry .

  7. 评莱斯·默里的五首现代派诗歌

    A critical review of five modernistic poems by Les Murray

  8. 认识现代派诗歌的艺术特质;

    Third , understanding modernist school poetry artistic special characteristic ;

  9. 艾米莉·狄金森&美国现代派诗歌的先驱

    Emily Dickinson & A Precursor of American Modernistic Poetry

  10. 20世纪30年代中国现代派诗歌意象在探求中,建立起一条独具特色、自成一体的审美道路。

    The image in the 1930s'Chinese modern poetics constructed a unique aesthetic system .

  11. 三十年代现代派诗歌简论

    Brief Introduction to the Modern Poetry in 1930s

  12. 台湾现代派诗歌与西方影响

    Taiwan 's Modernist Poetry and the Western Influence

  13. 论中国现代派诗歌意象艺术

    On the Image Art of Modern Chinese Poetry

  14. 论现代派诗歌的审美解读

    The Aesthetic Reading of Modern School 's Poem

  15. 意象派的诞生和理论开始了庞德对现代派诗歌的征途。

    The creation of imagist represents the beginning of Pound 's research on modern poetry .

  16. 中国现代派诗歌与中学生现代艺术观的构建

    China 's Modern Poem and Middle School Student 's Construction of the Modern Artistic Temple

  17. 从《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》看现代派诗歌特征&兼论世纪诗人T·S·艾略特

    Features of Modernist Poem & from T.S.Elot 's " The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock "

  18. 台湾现代派诗歌在理论上强调知性、提倡超现实主义和纯诗;

    Taiwan 's modernist poetry theoretically emphasizes on the knowing and advocates surrealism and pure poetry ;

  19. 美国现代派诗歌中的偏离现象

    Deviation in American modernist poetry

  20. 艾略特的声音理念是早期现代派诗歌发展中的重要诗学理论之一。

    The perception of voice is one of the important poetic theories of the early Modernist poetry .

  21. 开放的缪斯&论中国现代主义诗歌对古典诗歌、西方现代派诗歌的接受

    OPen Muse & On the Chinese Modernistic Poetry 's reception of classical poetry and modernistic poetry in the West

  22. 本文旨在探讨狄金森诗歌的现代主义特色及其对美国现代派诗歌的影响。

    This thesis attempts to explore the modernistic characteristics of Dickinson 's poetry and its influences over American modernistic poetry .

  23. S艾略特是西方现代派诗歌中最重要、最具代表性的诗人,是现代英美诗歌中开创一代诗风的先驱;

    S Eliot , one of the most influential poets in Western modernism poetry , who ushers a new literary style .

  24. 意象派诗歌不仅是英美现代派诗歌的起点,还产生了重要的国际影响。

    What marked the beginning of the British and American modernist poetry is Imagist poetry , which has also made immense international influence .

  25. 杜利特尔既属于现代派诗歌的主流,又属于妇女文学的传统。

    Not only do her poems belong to the main stream of Modernist ones , but also belong to the tradition of women literature .

  26. 从外在表现手法上看,首先是选材与结构安排上表现出鲜明的现代性特色;其次是引入现代派诗歌表现技巧。

    From the external technique of expression , firstly , is the modernity characteristics of material selecting and structure arranging ; secondly , introducing performance skills of modernistic poetry .

  27. 另一方面,施蛰存提出的“现代情绪”说,在理论上为现代派诗歌的发展从内容到形式都指明了方向;

    On the other hand , Shi Zhecun presented the theory of Modern Emotion , which showed the way for the development of Modernist Poetry in theory from content to form .

  28. 他的新智慧诗所达到的高度,既表明中国现代派诗歌发展已与世界诗歌潮流取得了同步之势,同时也反映了中国现代诗歌发展的内在要求。

    What he achieved shows that the Chinese new poetry kept step with the trends of the world modern poetry , and reflects the innate demands of the development of the former .

  29. 狄金森的诗歌是美国文学宝库中重要组成部分,她的作品对现代派诗歌有重大影响,被誉为美国现代主义诗歌的先驱。

    All these features make her poetry a great treasure in American literature . Dickinson 's works have had considerable influence on modernistic poetry , and she is regarded as a precursor of American modernistic poetry .

  30. 本文以译介学为理论基础,对英美意象派诗歌在30年代中国的译介进行梳理,以期揭示它与中国现代派诗歌的不解之缘。

    On the basis of theory of medio-translatology , this paper investigates the translation , influence and reception of Imagist poetry in the 1930s , and sheds light on the indissoluble bond between Imagist poetry and Chinese Modernist Poetry .