
  • 网络Ciona intestinalis;Coina intestinalis
  1. 玻璃海鞘中UFA占脂肪酸总量的36.68%,其中PUFA为23.34%,EPA+DHA占9.8%。

    In dona intestinalis UFA was 36 . 68 % , PUFA was 23 . 34 % , EPA plus DHA was 9 . 8 % .

  2. 对烟台渤海湾的柄海鞘和玻璃海鞘的脂肪含量及其脂肪酸组成进行了分析,并对其提取工艺进行了研究。

    The fat content and the fatty acid compositions in styela clava and dona intestinalis from Yantai sea area were analyzed and the extraction technology was studied .

  3. 脂肪总含量,玻璃海鞘为干重的6.16%;栖海鞘的含量为干重的5.02%,其中内囊的含量占10.68%、海鞘皮中的含量为1.14%。

    The total amount of the fat in dona intestinalis was 6 . 16 % and in styela clava was 5 . 02 % then in the inner-bursa and shell of styela clava were 10 . 68 % and 1 . 14 % respectively with dried weight .