
  • 网络theoretical sources
  1. 浅谈中国先进文化的理论渊源及其科学内涵

    The Theoretical Sources of the Chinese Advanced Culture and Its Scientific Intensions

  2. 司法调解制度有其深刻的经济、文化等社会基础和理论渊源。

    A judiciary mediation system has its profound economic , cultural , and social foundations and theoretical sources .

  3. 第一部分介绍EVA的理论渊源及发展,以及理解EVA对公司目标的要求,EVA如何提高企业的价值并真实反映价值创造的。

    It consists of three parts : The first part introduces origin of theory , understanding the requisition of EVA for company 's goal , and how EVA improves the value and reflects it .

  4. 首先考察了法律论证的理论渊源:法律论证最古老的思想渊源在古希腊之修辞学(rhetoric)和论辩术(dialectic)中就能发现法律论证的雏形。

    Firstly , it reviews the theoretical origin of legal argumentation : the most ancient thought origin of the legal argumentation is the rhetoric and dialectics in ancient Greek where we discovered the embryonic form of it .

  5. 在对EVA的理论渊源、EVA的计算、EVA的创新及存在的问题进行了评述的基础上,构建我国企业业绩评价系统,最终实现企业价值最大化的财务目标。

    This paper makes a review of the theoretical history of EVA , EVA calculation , sums up EVA system innovation and the problems of EVA from which many references can be drawn to our own performance measurement system .

  6. 这其中的一些理论渊源可以追溯至50年前的法国出版人和记者让-雅克•塞尔旺-施赖伯(Jean-JacquesServan-Schreiber),他在1967年出版了《美国的挑战》(TheAmericanChallenge),试图激励欧洲人反制大西洋对岸的威胁。

    Some of its intellectual roots stretch back 50 years to Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber , the French publisher and journalist , who tried to galvanise Europeans into countering the threat from across the Atlantic with the publication , in 1967 , of The American Challenge .

  7. 本文着重研究了循环经济在区域层面上的发展,首先对循环经济的理论渊源、内涵、基本原则(3R原则)进行了分析,并对循环经济模式与传统经济模式进行了分析比较;

    This article mainly study circular economy development on region lay . First analysised the theory origin , connotation and basic principle ( 3R principle ) of circular economy , compared circular economy mode with traditional economy mode ;

  8. 理解定位的本质须从三方面入手:定位的理论渊源,定位与USP、品牌形象的关系.定位与目标市场、营销组合的关系。

    This paper shows that to understand positioning essence should proceed with three respects : original positioning theories , the relationship of positioning with USP and brand image , the relationship of positioning with target markets and marketing mix .

  9. 曾国藩文化思想的理论渊源探析

    The origin of Theory of Tseng Kuo-fan 's Culture and Thought

  10. 表现为:一、理论渊源研究。

    As follows : I : Theoretical origin research of resignation .

  11. 产业组织理论渊源、主要流派及新发展

    Origin , Main Schools and New Development of Industrial Organization Theory

  12. 系统分析了孟子人性思想产生的时代依据和理论渊源。

    Systematically analyzed the nature of mencius and theoretical origin times .

  13. 第一章:有机知识分子理论渊源。

    The first chapter : theory origin of the organic intellectuals .

  14. 合同法上可得利益赔偿的理论渊源探寻

    A Theoretical Exploration of the Benefit Compensations Based on the Contract Law

  15. 西方环境伦理思潮的理论渊源

    The Source of Western Trends of Thought in Environmental Ethics

  16. 对农产品的国内支持有着深刻的理论渊源。

    There are profound theories on national support of agriculture .

  17. 第二部分追溯全球治理的理论渊源。

    Part Two ascends the academic origin of Global Governance .

  18. 朝贡制度的理论渊源与时代特征

    The Theoretic Resources of Tributary System and Its Character in Different Historical Periods

  19. 中国画传统品评标准的理论渊源

    Theoretical Origin of Traditional Standards on Evaluating Chinese Painting

  20. 中医伤骨科内治法理论渊源探讨

    Explore of Theory Origin of Internal Treatment Methods in Traumatology of Chinese Medicine

  21. 第二章主要探讨心理本体的理论渊源。

    The second chapter is about the origin of the mentality ontology theory .

  22. 主体性德育有其深刻的理论渊源和重大的现实意义。

    Subjective moral education has its deepgoing theory sources and great real significance .

  23. 第一部分主要介绍冯友兰伦理思想产生的理论渊源及其时代背景。

    The first part deals mainly describes his thoughts origins and its background .

  24. 马克思主义以人为本的理论渊源与现实意义

    The Theoretical Origin of Marx " Humanistic " Thought and Its Practical Significance

  25. 其形成与发展有着自身特定的历程和理论渊源。

    The formation and development have its own specific history and theory of origins .

  26. 本文首先探讨了活动性学习的理论渊源。

    This thesis has probed into the theory origin of activity study at first .

  27. 第一部分阐述了以人为本领导方式的内涵和理论渊源。

    The first part has explained the intension and theory origin of human-oriented leadership-way .

  28. 第二部分对非正规就业的概念进行了界定并总结了与女性非正规就业相关的理论渊源以及女性非正规就业在国外的发展状况。

    The second part makes the definition of informal employment and the corresponding theories .

  29. 从多个角度探讨了深生态学的理论渊源;

    Has probed into the deep ecological theory origin in terms of a lot of ;

  30. 其博大精深,有深厚的理论渊源和坚实的哲学基础。

    It is extensive and profound , with deep theory origin and solid philosophical foundation .